SFOI will Lord willing return to St. Petersburg, FL for the St. Pete Grand Prix scheduled to be held March 2 - 5, 2023. We're looking for 10 men to join the team to preach the Gospel to the fans and local citizens; minister to them in the moment and to potentially refer them to a Bible teaching church or ministry for discipleship.
The goal is to evangelize and minister to the fans in the downtown St. Pete area as they come and go from the race and fan activities and the local citizens who are in the area as well.
If you can't attend "Sponsor An Evangelist" (donate the fee) for someone to go in your stead: SAE.
Event Details and Registration Instructions
Location: St. Petersburg, Florida
Event Leader: Bill Adams
Dates: March 2 - 5 '23 [You would arrive Thursday evening by 7:00 PM so we can rise early to pray and depart for St. Pete by 7:00 AM. You would depart Sunday evening after ministry or Monday morning depending on your itinerary. ][Future dates: March 7 - 10 '24; March 6 - 9' 25; March 12 - 15 '26]
Ministry Schedule: Official Grand Prix schedule: STGP .
Accommodations: Tampa Bay Baptist Conference Center.
Meals: Not included.
Airport pick up: Yes.
Cost: $105, $150 or $20 [Cost covers accommodations at the Tampa Bay Baptist Conference Center in their motel. Each room has 2 queen beds, a shower and kitchenette: $105 for a shared room, $150 for your own room; $20 to camp on their property. ]
Payments: STGP.
Exhibitors: Living Waters, Gospel of God Ministry, REF, George Whitefield Program, Banner of Truth, BardinMarsee Publishing Waterproof Bible-- purchase your Waterproof Bible through the SFOI store here
Travel: Book Your Travel [New feature: book your flights; car rental, etc. via SFOI's partnership with Hotel Planner. You can also call: 888-973-5987 to check for unpublished airfare rates.]
Next steps: Register for any of our evangelistic outreach events, by clicking on the SFOI logo below. Once you register and are approved you will receive further information including but not limited to an event waiver and payment information. You will also be asked to submit a bio and picture to be posted on the event pages.
Questions about how SFOI works: If you have not previously participated in an SFOI outreach then visit these pages to help you understand the work of the ministry: SFOI Distinctions; the Gospel, the Goal and Expectations; SFOI Vision and Mission statements; Frequently Asked Questions; Why SFOI emphasizes open air preaching.
Ministry Team
Game Summaries
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