"At the age of 44, 11.5 yrs ago, the Gospel of Jesus Christ radically changed my life. After years of chasing sin and living an evil life, I repented & put my total faith alone in Jesus for my salvation. I really never understood what sin actually was until I looked at the 10 Commandments & heard a teaching called “Hell’s Best Kept Secret” by Ray Comfort & “Shocking Youth Conference” by Paul Washer. I quickly realized what a transformed life should look like & that nothing is hidden from God & He not only sees my actions, but also my thoughts. I soon understood the wrath of God and the eternal reality of the Day of Judgement and knew the only answer was what happened on the Cross and that I must truly Repent & put my complete Trust & Faith in Jesus Christ alone for my salvation.
It was only then I truly understood why He died & the legal transaction that took place on that cross that day. I was then converted by the power of the Gospel.
I began reading & studying the Word & knew that the Bible is true, because when I obeyed the Gospel I was transformed and taken from darkness to light being truly Born again.
Although still be sanctified & fighting sin nature daily, I am a new creature with a new heart & new desires. The Bible came alive because I have God’s Holy Spirit living in me & He leads me into all truth.
My ministry goals are to focus on two main things: Go be my witness & Go make disciples. I have been called to Open Air Evangelism, Prison Ministry, Ministry to Men & Abortion Mill Ministry.
For HIS Glory
2Cor 5:21"
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