My name is Ben Grady.
To briefly share the story of how I came to know the Lord - My childhood was spent in a secular home with great parents, but where I didn’t know anything about the Lord. God got my attention after I came to Nashville and started attending a church where I was involved in a study through the Bible. For a time, I struggled with whether the Bible could be trusted, but God supernaturally caused me to trust on His word and follow Jesus. Immediately I had the desire to share this good news that I had experienced, although my knowledge was a bit rocky and I had some poor theology.
Not knowing much about what it meant to follow Jesus, but that he told someone who wanted to follow him that he didn’t have any place to lay his head, I thought that God wanted me to be homeless to follow him. As a result, over the next few months, I walked away from my graduate program and became voluntarily homeless, ending up at the local homeless shelter. I then went through their Life Recovery Program and have now been on staff for a little over ten years.
Over time, God has opened my eyes to the glory of the depth of the gospel. The Lord has so blessed me to give me a job where I enjoy my work and get to do ministry. We have a local group of evangelists who regularly go out to a park, to downtown, and to special events, to publicly engage people with the gospel. Pictured with me is my wonderful and supportive wife, Leo (short for Leonore). We just celebrated our eighth anniversary by the grace of God.
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