Born in a non-Christian home, I was a flesh loving, non-penitent, non-regenerate Roman Catholic from New Jersey for all of my teenage life. When I was 20, by God’s grace, He intervened in some supernatural ways combined with the Gospel. Shortly after that, I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, the Thanksgiving of 99. Then I moved from Phoenix to Raleigh in 2003, met my wife, Elisa, in 2006 and married that lovely woman in 2007. I have two step children, Miranda and Joe. I worked as a property manager of an apartment community in Durham, NC from 2006 to 2016 and then for a marvelous Christian ministry (TWR). Through my wife’s encouragement and the fellowship/discipleship of more mature believers, I became more passionate about the great commission, specifically through street evangelism since 2013. By God’s providence I have had the privilege to publicly proclaim Christ on numerous occasions and many one-on-one conversations as well. This is not my first Super Bowl Outreach and hopefully not my last. Many of them were intense, but to serve the LORD in such a biblically relevant way is rewarding. Praise be unto the only God and worthy is the Lamb!
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