My name is Jacob Bradshaw and I was born in Wilmington, NC and raised just a few miles from Rose Hill, North Carolina. I have lived in the same county my entire life.
I am married to my beloved bride, Kele, and we have four children, two boys and two girls (Jacob Jr., Josiah, Rose, and Rachel). I am leading and raising my children in the same house I grew up in. I am employed with a major Managed Care Organization in North Carolina and I am a member of Redemption Fellowship Church in Willard, North Carolina (a small, rural Southern Baptist church in northern Pender County, NC).
I graduated from Heritage Bible College (Dunn, NC) with a Bachelor of Religious Education Degree in Biblical Studies in 2011.
The majority of my life, I was a false convert. I "walked the aisle" around the age of eight or nine years old, "accepted Jesus into my heart" at the church I was attending, but was never truly converted. In 2009, my late friend Scott introduced me to the preaching of John MacArthur. I had never heard anyone preach the Gospel and I began studying the doctrines of grace and eventually began reading the Puritans. It wasn't until around 2012 that I realized the depravity of my soul and how, without repentance and faith in Christ Alone, I was headed for hell. By His sovereign grace, He saved my soul.
In 2021, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and increased time at home working remotely, the Lord placed an urgent burden on my soul to publicly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost. In late July 2021, I (admittedly with much fear) evangelized with brothers and sisters from Jacksonville, NC at the Wilmington, NC abortion mill. In September 2021, I preached in the open air for the very first time in the small town of Wallace, NC alongside a fellow brother in Christ. While I occasionally travel outside of my "home base" to evangelize, I primarily evangelize where I live, which is a very rural area.
My favorite books of the Bible are 1 John and Hebrews, and I love reading the works of J.C. Ryle. As of April 2022, Jacob is (with the support of his pastor) leading a monthly corporate outreach at the abortion mill in Wilmington, NC and exhorting other Christians in southeastern North Carolina to join in the fight of proclaiming the Gospel and exposing what is happening in the darkness there.
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