NFL London '22
If you are looking for an evangelistic mission trip that will stretch you spiritually and help you grow in faith, then join SFOI on one of it's outreaches to London. Recently, I joined ten other people for NFL London and it was ten days of intensive ministry from six to eight hours in the harvest fields of London. The days were filled with outreaches to sporting events, tourist destinations, and small town tube stops.
It was an awesome opportunity to share the gospel with thousands of people from various nations, as London is home to many diverse ethnicities. It was also exciting to work side by side with UK believers and also hear from pastors as to how God is working in the London area. This trip will definitely change your life as it stirs your heart to walk closer to the Lord and rekindle in your heart a passion for lost souls. I have been to London four times and can not wait to go back.
Joseph Toy
NFL London '22
The London trip was a great experience. 9.1 Million souls in a dense City with a public transportation system that provides areas of concentrated commuter traffic, but, really you get the sense you could preach anywhere and it would be beneficial even the quiet areas. It was often the less busy spots where we had the most conversations. Handing out bible literature is hit or miss, the less affluent an area was, generally the more receptive the public were. England is not as lost a I had imagined, we met many believers but very few are willing to make a public spectacle of their faith. We did meet some who wanted to join us in the labor and some did join us. Jehovah's Witnesses are in a lot of the places we found ourselves.
Another great opportunity to bolster your faith was the Christian Heritage Tour both the British Museum portion (where there were archeological proofs of the accuracy and historicity of the bible) and the ground survey beginning at St. Paul's Cathedral, where the life of believers clashed against the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches of that day and died for the faith and also the impact Christians had on a lost culture because they remained faithful to Jesus and lived it out in their daily lives.
It is a vast multicultural experience, we had heard from a local evangelist that 300 languages are present in the UK.
We are called to make disciples of the Nations and the world is there.
Dan Davis
NFL London '22
The London trip is a fantastic opportunity to be completely immersed in gospel preaching evangelism. The other members of the team will surround you and encourage you to dig deeper, and push harder to proclaim the Word to a city that is in spiritual darkness. The Lord may use to you in the salvation of others, and to encourage the local believers in the city, who may feel surrounded by the doctrines of demons. Not to mention, many thousands of people will hear your preaching at the sporting games. It’s a fantastic opportunity for any believer concerned for the great commission.
Michael Seethaler
SBO '21
Hey this John Crowley to my brother in sister in the LORD . Going to Living Water Academy is and was a huge in my walk with Jesus . However, after that you have left wondering where and how use the new skills the LORD has given you. Sports Fan Outreach has given a way and place to preach at for the last 4 years UCF home football games along for the last 3 super bowl a group of like mind man and women who I now call more than friends I think as brothers and sister and love them beyond words can express. I pray some how the LORD will allow to go to the next few super bowl and know if he does it will be a small experience what Heaven may be like.
Steven Crowley
Sports Fan Outreach is a great place to learn and for more season people who are you there to share their faith . They great teach during the major events plus give a way to meet and get to know people who who are out there doing what Christian should be doing every day. Plus to learn an grow in your walk with Jesus Christ.
John Crowley
One of the things that I appreciate most about SFOI is the tireless work of Bill Adams. I know that there are many others behind the scenes and I don't want to pass over their labors. Bill is such an encouraging brother and I know that it is his sincere desire that men and women should be trained to share the gospel, should experience meaningful fellowship, and that the Lord be glorified on the streets.
Ben Grady
A faithful ministry! Mr. Adams phones all the labourers and prays for them prior to each outreach. Mr. McGough and Hannah handle the emails with excellence. They really love the lost want to see God's name glorified!!!!
Michael Verduyn
Some of my most trying times have been when I’ve joined with a Sport’s Fan hold on!! The spiritual struggle has been intense within when I’ve gone to their Super Bowl and Charlotte Speed Street outreaches, but most meaningful things aren’t easy. I’m thankful for this group Bill and Jason, and the eternal impact they’ve had on my witness. Who knows how many souls have been reconciled to the Lord/healed through SFOI’s gospel witness? Keep it going!!! ;):)
Stephen Morris
Perfectly organized, great leadership, amazing learning experience!
Compu Pawn
It can be difficult finding brothers who preach the Gospel in the open air with truth and love (Eph. 4:15). What a blessing it was to find SFOI and brother Bill Adams. The events are very organized and prioritize prayer and study before our feet hit the streets. I'd labor with Bill and these brothers anywhere, anytime. Looking forward to many more years of laboring to promote the Gospel with Sports Fan Outreach!
Jaycen Saab
If you are an aspiring evangelist and preacher of the Word, you have to go attend one of their training sessions/outreach events. Just GO!
Judah Ryoo
SFOI is an incredible ministry! I can't say enough good about it and Bill Adams who runs it. May God continue to grow the ministry to sports fans and more through SFOI for years to come!
SBO '19
I am so thankful for the ministry and vision of Sport Fan Outreach and to Bill Adams to proclaim the gospel to the masses. Every year I look forward to preaching Christ with like minded brothers and sisters in
Christ. The Superbowl Outreach for 2019 in Atlanta this year was well organized with much prayer, accompanied with encouraging and challenging speakers. What a privilege to proclaim Christ to thousands of sports fans. One thing I love about this ministry is that it is purely about proclaiming the pure Gospel to those who may not hear any other way. When I attend these events I feel like I am on the mission field to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ all for the glory of God.
Gerry Collins
SBO '18:
Going to the Super Bowl with this group has been a life changing experience, looking forward to many more outreaches!! Glory to God!
Brian Amick
SBO '18:
Joshua and I felt blessed to be able to participate in the Superbowl outreach 2018 with such a great group of men and women who love Jesus and want to share Him with the world!New Paragraph
Johsua & Rachael Richards
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