"I am 21 years old and I am currently finishing up at Colorado State University for a Bachelor’s in social work. I have enjoyed constantly clashing worldviews against the secular and self-contradictory approach to “helping” others, and God has used this hostile environment to grow me in boldness and trust in Him. Currently I am completing a split-internship at a local church and related non-profit that offers financial assistance and referrals. I also have the freedom to share the Gospel with clients which I thank God for! My long-term goal is to do BIBLICAL Christian counseling and to lead others to the Great Physician who alone can save us from the sickness and futility of our own minds.
The other major area of my life is my engagement to a lovely and redeemed daughter of God named Haille, who I will be marrying this July. Haille is also young in Christ, but we rejoice that we have both been forgiven much and we therefore love Christ in dependence on His grace. Haille is studying to be a nurse at another university in CO, and she has the God-given heart to join me in evangelism. I love her and look forward to learning more of Christ through marriage!
I became a Christian in 2013, just a week short of a year I was baptized as a false convert at a local megachurch. After making my profession of faith I continued to live in sin and to love the world, but God began to convict me more and more and to prod my conscience, which I had been trying to destroy for a few years. I experienced the Romans 6 reality of slavery to sin and began to realize that I was hopeless to change myself. This continued throughout the year and shortly after I graduated high school I went on a short-term service trip to CA. The week before I had been listening to a Christian band that made much of Christ with Biblical lyrics and a call to follow Christ that included repentance and death to self. I view this band as the Romans 10 messenger of the Gospel, as I repented and believed the very next week. However, at the time I had no idea of what was happening. I like to say that God did “surprise heart surgery” on me (referring to Ezekiel 36) as I was born again but did not have any Biblical understanding of what this was, what it meant, and what had happened to me. I just knew that I was all new and that I had new desires, freedom from sin, and love for Christ and faith in His perfect finished work. God saved me from tremendous wickedness and almost unveiled evil (I often felt like a ticking time bomb) by making me a new creation and shedding abroad the light of the knowledge of the glory of His perfect Son into my heart. I praise our God for showing mercy to me, the worst of all sinners, and for giving life to a dead, twisted, corrupt, and blind sinner for His own glory.
Though I have only been a Christian for about two and a half years now, God has continued to refine my desire to know more of Him through prayer and His Word. I was unexpectedly called to begin open-air preaching on my campus to defend against some heretical false teaching that was getting the attention of many students. Since then, I have had the privilege of getting to declare God’s glorious Gospel to others in my city, and I am thankful to be used by the LORD and to learn more of Christ as I seek to please God rather than man. Our Father gives some tremendous grace to make an insane and depraved creature an ambassador of His Son and messenger of His Gospel! Without Him we can do nothing, but by abiding in Him we bear much fruit to His glory!
“This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.” 1 Timothy 1:15"
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