(866) 646-5683


February 18, 2025 – May 6, 2025


March 3, 2025 - May 19, 2025

"Keep Your Finger in the Text" Spring Workshop

"Confidence & Certainty in the Gospel"

The Gospel According to Luke



Still time to Join us!


KYFITT (Keep Your Finger in the Text) Workshop

Are you passionate about preaching the Gospel in the open air?

Do you want to communicate the truth of Jesus Christ with boldness, clarity, and certainty?

Join us for this powerful 12-week workshop focused on preaching through the Gospel of Luke, specifically tailored to equip you with the tools, principles, and strategies needed to proclaim God’s Word effectively.

As an open-air preacher, you get to:

  • Deepen and strengthen your understanding of Luke's Gospel to proclaim the message of certainty.
  • Develop techniques for structuring and delivering powerful Gospel-centered messages drawn from Luke.
  • Discover how to communicate Luke’s narratives and parables in ways that connect with your hearers, whether they’re skeptics, seekers, or believers.
  • Declare with greater boldness the Gospel from Luke's Gospel, unfolding the themes as they direct people to Christ.
  • Apply what you've learned to biblical texts through interactive, hands-on examples and small group sessions from the Gospel of Luke.


Register today to join us on our KYFITT "Confidence and Certainty in the Gospel" experience.


(Keep Your Finger in the Text)

 contains three (3) parts

to assist you in gaining an expertise in expositing text

12 Week Workshop

Keep Your Finger in the Text workshop: get started learning the tools, principles and strategies of sermon preparation through the twelve week "Keep Your Finger in the Text" workshop. Details of what you learn are below.

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Personal Resource

Office Hours: Heath is available as a personal resource for you as you put into practice the "Keep Your Finger in the Text" expository preaching process. For instance if you are using a Bible study software like Logos or Accordance and want to learn how to integrate it in your sermon preparation or if you need suggestions on where to find extra Biblical sources Heath can help you individually as well as 1-1 coaching.

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  • Roadmap to Rhetoric - Steps in preparing our text.
  • Context is King! - How the different contexts influence our meaning. 
  • Pitfalls while preparing - Beware of roadblocks. 
  • What's the point? - Determine the text organization to find the main point. 
  • Where is the Gospel? - Pursuing gospel connections grounded in the text. 
  • What do I do now?
  • How do we apply what we know to our hearers?
  • How we organize our thoughts and material to preach.
  • How do we articulate the message? 


Heath will personally lead you through the workshop.  You will have a chance to put these principles into practice as you will prepare text(s) ahead of time for the small groups and then present your work for peer review.

Keep Your Finger in the Text Schedule


February 18, 2025 – May 6, 2025


March 3, 2025 - May 19, 2025

"Confidence & Certainty in the Gospel"

Tuesday Night 7:00 pm CST/8:00 pm EST

Online using: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/heathpucel

The cost for the class is $150. That's $12.50 per week.

Payment: Keep Your Finger  in the Text


Heath says about this training:

Enhanced Preaching Skills:

The workshop guides you in developing and refining preaching skills, including effective communication, sermon structure, and delivery techniques; achieving greater sermon clarity and organization.

Enhanced Biblical Understanding & Interpretation:

You will deepen your understanding of the Bible, enabling you to interpret and preach more accurate, meaningful and coherent theological sermons rooted in God’s word.

Feedback and Improvement:

Attending a workshop allows you to receive feedback from experienced preachers and peers, helping you continually improve and gain confidence in your preaching skills.

Fellowship and Spiritual Growth:

A hidden often missed benefit is the fellowship and personal spiritual development, deepening your faith with others who are passionate about studying and preaching God’s word.


In this video, Heath gives a special introduction and invitation for the

upcoming workshop "What's the Point?"


Bobby McCreery

Brandon, Bryan & Doug

Alex, Stirling, & Dan

Bill - GWP



Pastor Jamie



John, Bryan, & Pat














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 "I attended the George Whitefield Program in 2019 with Heath Pucel. This was my first training program I had ever taken part in with Sports Fan Outreach. Bill Adams asked me if I would liked to participate, and I honestly had no idea the depth of hermeneutics or homiletics taught or expectations of me throughout the program, but I agreed in good faith. With little knowledge of what lay in store for me, I was soon at the session, with a few sermon outlines. Heath and Bill assured me, that all would be well. After the enthusiastic lessons Heath taught and honest critiques of how to prepare sermons using correct presupposed hermeneutics. I was much more knowledgeable of sermon preparation and confident in expositing God's Word afterwards. I was in the right place to sharpen my homiletic skills with kind peers, who would love to see me handle scripture correctly. I would encourage the novice and expert to take part in these hermeneutical teachings with Heath."

-Sgt. Gary D. Purgason, NC

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 "I think the George Whitefield program was incredibly informative and useful for biblical study. I was probably taught by Heath Pucel, as well as the others in attendance, so much more than I was expecting. It was like my eyes were kind of opened up and I realized, at least to some degree, how little I really knew about the Scriptures. I would highly recommend attending a program like this or receiving teaching from Heath. It was a great time to learn how to more than just preach, but how one ought to study Scripture. Although, it might be said that what we learned there was barely scratching the surface, with so much more to learn. The program, though it didn't last a super long time, seemed to teach me so, so much. I think I would even consider going again if it worked out. I believe it'd probably be very good if every follower of Christ received teaching like this, teaching on how the Scriptures should be read, interpreted, etc.  It was a long week full of a ton of information and learning, but I think it was well worth it.  I was blessed to be able to go."

-Everet Slaughenhaupt, CO

Get Started

Register for KYFITT

Do you want to grow or deepen in your preaching?

We know the power of God unto salvation is His Word.

When we grasp, harness, and apprehend what God has declared in His word the way He intended it; we also apprehend and harness the power and precision of His Word.

By submitting the form you are registering for the workshop.

If you have questions or are contacting us about the workshop, please fill out comment section.

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