(866) 646-5683


Indy 500

What is happening

The Indy 500 has been scheduled for May 23 - 25, '25 in Indianapolis, IN. Lord willing SFOI will be there and is looking for 8 men to join the team to preach the Gospel to the fans and local citizens; minister to them in the moment and to potentially refer them to a Bible teaching church or ministry for discipleship.

The goal is to evangelize and minister to the fans they come and go from Indy 500 events in downtown Indianapolis like the Parade on Saturday, at the Indianapolis Super Speedway on Friday, Carb Day, Saturday Legends Day, Sunday the 500, and the local citizens who are in the area as well. 


If you can't attend "Sponsor An Evangelist" (donate the fee) for someone to go in your stead: SAE.

Steven Kendall - Invitation to preach at the Indy 500

SFOI Live interview with Steven Kendall

Event Info

Ministry Location: Downtown Indianapolis & Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

Event Leader:
 Steven Kendall

Speaker(s): Mark Yoho & Dan Davis & Pat Hegarty

Team Leader(s): Mark Yoho, Dan Davis, Pat Hegarty.

Dates: May 22 - May 25

  • Arrive: Thursday, Mar 22
  • Depart: Sunday, Mar 25

Schedule: Official Schedule

Ministry Schedule:

  • Friday, May 23:
  • 9:00 - 11:00 am:  Prayer, Teaching and Worship
  • 11:15 am:  Departure for downtown Indy
  • 12:00 pm- 8:00 pm: Street Ministry
  • Saturday, May 24:
  • 7:00 am:  Departure for ministry location. 
  • 7:45 am - 9:45 am:  Prayer, Teaching and Worship
  • 10:00 am- 4:00 pm: Ministry at 500 festival parade downtown (earliest 4 pm and latest 6 pm if crowds stay around)
  • Sunday, May 25
  • 5:00 am: Checkout & Departure for ministry
  • 5:45 am: Prayer at the track
  • 6:00 am - 2 pm:  Ministry at Indy 500 speedway

Accommodation, Meals & Airport Pick-up:

Accommodations:  Metro Baptist Center, 952 north Pennsylvania Street Indianapois, IN 46204

  • Check in: 2:00 PM
  • Check Out: Noon

Address: 952 north Pennsylvania Street Indianapois, IN 46204

Meals: Meals on your own (food trucks available for lunch & dinner all three days at the ministry location)

Airport Pickups/Drop-offs:   Yes. Email your itinerary to info@sfoi.org

Travel: Book Your Travel 

  • New feature: book your flights; car rental, etc. via SFOI's partnership with Hotel Planner.
  • You can also call: 888-973-5987 to check for unpublished airfare rates.
  • Visit Hotel Planner on this link: https://sfoi.hotelplanner.com

Registration info:

Who can attend: This event is for men and women.

Cost:   $50 / person for accommodations.

$50 if you order a cot.  Order when you pay for the accommodations.

Payment Deadline: Mar 9 (2 weeks prior to event)

DonorBox Payment Link:  Indy 500.

Next steps: 

  • If this is your first outreach event with SFOI, click on the logo below to read through the steps to register.
  • If you are a returning evangelist, send an email to info@sfoi.org indicating that you want to register for this event.
  • Once you register and are approved you will receive further information including but not limited to an event waiver and payment information. You will also be asked to submit a bio and picture to be posted on the event pages.


Please pray daily for the Indianapolis Civil Magistrate based on 1 Timothy 2:1-7.

  • Prayer is the foundation of the SFOI and praying for the Civil Magistrate has allowed the outreaches to operate smoothly over the years. So this is a must.
  • Prayer time: SFOI has a weekly prayer time which is held Monday evenings at 7:00 PM EST. Click on the link to get details about the weekly prayer meeting:
  • Prayer Call

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's):

If you have not previously participated in an SFOI outreach, and you have questions about how SFOI works, then visit these pages to help you understand the work of the ministry: 

Ministry Team '25

Game Summaries

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