Indy 500
What is happening
The Indy 500 has been scheduled for May 24 - 26 in Indianapolis, IN. Lord willing SFOI will be there and is looking for 12 men to join the team to preach the Gospel to the fans and local citizens; minister to them in the moment and to potentially refer them to a Bible teaching church or ministry for discipleship.
The goal is to evangelize and minister to the fans they come and go from Indy 500 events in downtown Indianapolis and the local citizens who are in the area as well.
If you can't attend "Sponsor An Evangelist" (donate the fee) for someone to go in your stead: SAE.
SFOI Live interview with Joshua Richards
Event Info
Ministry Location: Downtown Indianapolis &
Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
Event Leader: Steven Kendall
Speaker(s): N/A
Team Leader(s): N/A
Dates: May 24 - May 26
Official Schedule:
Ministry Schedule:
Accommodation, Meals & Airport Pick-up:
Accommodations: Camp Belzer. Please bring your own beddings and towel.
Address: 7125 Fall Creek Rd N, Indianapolis, IN 46256, United States
Meals: Breakfast provided with registration; other meals on your own (food trucks available for lunch & dinner all four days at the ministry location)
Airport Pickups/Drop-offs:
Yes. Email your itinerary to
Travel: Book Your Travel
Registration info:
Who can attend: This event is for men and women. Only men may preach open air.
Cost: $45 / person (accommodations).
Payment Deadline: Mar 8 (2 weeks prior to event)
DonorBox Payment Link: Indy 500.
Next steps:
Please pray daily for the Indianapolis Civil Magistrate based on 1 Timothy 2:1-7.
Digital Exhibitors:
Living Waters, Gospel of God Ministry, REF, George Whitefield Program, Banner of Truth, BardinMarsee Publishing (Waterproof Bible), To The End of the Earth, Until All Hear, Testimonies of God, Globeworks, -- purchase your Waterproof Bible at the SFOI store here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's):
If you have not previously participated in an SFOI outreach, and you have questions about how SFOI works, then visit these pages to help you understand the work of the ministry:
Ministry Team '24
Photos of the ministry team preaching near the race tracks and in downtown Indianapolis.
The Indy 500 Outreach '24 ministry team: Scott, Gabriel, Marek, Steven , Gary & Judah from left to right.
Jael's (woman on the left) parents were missionaries to China and is a professing Christian and was blessed by us evangelizing in the open air with the preaching of God Word and giving gospel tracks out. She love the gospel tract that said the simple plan of salvation. She said it is written that a child could understand and believe.
Steven (left) with another soul who chose to open his heart to the Gospel during the Friday outreach downtown Indy at circle center mall.
Saturday outreach at the parade downtown Indianapolis for the Indy 500 Memorial Day weekend festivities. 200,000 people attended.
Sherryl, Carla and her group of friends and family listen intently for 30 minutes as I preach. The parade had just ended and everyone left but they kept listening intently. They are looking for a home church. Both live on opposite sides of the city. Pray for them as they want to be in fellowship with other believers and grow as Christians. Scott was witnessing half a football field away and could hear the gospel clearly as it echoed through the city.
According to event leader Steven: "Mary, my wife and I went out after our weekend outreach to get some things needed for the ministries after my stool was stolen at the parade and some needed things for the house. We continued to witness to people at Walmart, Michael’s, Home Goods and last of all we stop in at Panda for dinner and witness to our cashier Chey. I notice Chey had a cross on and asked her what the meant to her. Chey said her grandma gave it to her before she passed away and asked her to always where it as a reminder of taking her to church. I proceeded to ask if she knew if she died today would she go to heaven and be with God and her grandma. Sadly she sad she didn’t know. I told her probably if she didn’t know she probably wouldn’t. I told her her grandma probably prayed much for her and gave that necklace to her so she would come to know Jesus as her personal Lord & Savior and now a preacher has just been sent by God to share the gospel with her. She received a gospel tract as we gave her a verbal gospel. Later she thank us and Mary asked if she had a Bible and she said no. She now has one. She then asked what church we attend and we gave her the local church address that we attend. Pray for Chey to respond in obedience to God drawing."
Eric (left) who had maybe 20-30 minute conversation with Judah (right) and a few minutes with me. Eric who is responding to the drawing of God in his life was in a woke church and quickly understood he was in a false church that preached a false gospel with a false Jesus. Pray for him as well to find a good Bible teaching church in the city of Indianapolis downtown area. There is not many if any preaching truth in his area to be able to get to.
Joshua (right) was moved by the 2 hours of preaching and worship as he had an over long conversation with Scott. Scott and I exchanged phone numbers with Joshua. He lives in Indianapolis and is looking for fellowship where he can grow as a man of God. Pray for Joshua whether he finds fellowship with the local church I serve at or another that he will be lead of God and follow.
Louis (right) speaks no English, is a refuge staying at wheeler mission house and as I gave him a Spanish track he stop to asked me where he can find a Spanish speaking church near him. He professes to be a Christian and I called my dear brother in Christ who is a missionary here to Indianapois from Cuba to the Hispanic community. Danny is working on finding him a home church or a way to get him to one if not one near by for downtown has very little Hispanic community. Pray for Louis who is longing for fellowship with other believers of his own language. May God also provide a safer place to stay as the wheeler mission house can be difficult with those who stay there.
Steven: "The man in the vest name is John extreme right) who heckled us for 4-6 hours. He did everything in his power to stop the preaching of God Word. He doesn’t believe in the trinity and called us Antichrist all day. He threatened to knock me off the steps as I preach and to break our speaker. He claims to be doing the work of God.
Please pray for John as he has many truths mixed with false doctrines. Judah was finally able to get him to answer a question, as John mostly twisted the scripture most of the day and was persistent to yell as loud as he can while doing it. His father was a preacher and claim John claimed his father was a hypocrite.
Deep down this man is suffering and needs spiritual healing. Only Jesus can help John. Judah here is preaching and Scott is trying to reason with John here."
This is brother Harold who earns a living by playing his saxophone on the streets of Indianapolis. He is a light in a dark city. He works faithfully six days a week but is faithful to be with the local body of Christ he fellowship with each Sunday. He doesn’t care if he can make more money or not due to the higher volume of people due to the events that take place on Sunday. We had great conversations of the doctrine of God throughout the day. He was blessed by the preaching of God Word. He remembers us from last year outreach of the Indianapois 500 and me from being faithful to preach here in Indianapois as we have had many great conversations over the years. He can see the spiritual battles of a spot that satan has much strong holds on.
Saturday night at the Indianapolis Pacers playoff game against the Boston Celtics. Many divine appointments having gospel conversations.
Videos from the Indy 500 Outreach.
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