My full name is Daniel Ephraim Chase, and I was born in Wichita Kansas back in 1996. I was homeschooled from a young age up until middle school when I became such a rebellious handful that my mom couldn't handle me. Sexual abuse is common in the world, and at a young age I was sexualized. In public school I was bullied and so I joined a boxing gym where I trained for over eleven years and entered many national tournaments. My parents did the best they could with me, and they tried to raise me up as a God fearing man. After 25 years of a self centered and rebellious life, I finally was brought to my knees after a break up with an adulterous woman that pretended to be a God fearing woman, just like I pretended to be a God fearing man. I have been a double minded man always conflicted between righteousness and my own dark desires. I have lied, stolen, cursed, fornicated, committed adultery, blamed God and hated others throughout most my life. I went from atheist, to agnostic, to a dystheist, to theist believing in the One True God who is longsuffering and exceedingly merciful! Many people have prayed for me, and their prayers have been answered on God's own timing. I love God, I love His son Jesus who was crucified to take on the sins of the world and so that through Him, people can be saved. I was saved, and in Him there is a rest for we who believe. There was a time I couldn't understand having a personal relationship with God because I couldn't even see Him and feel that He is even there. I thought it was selfish of Him to expect us to obey His words when what He commands is so contrary to the darkness we desire. Woe unto them that strive with their maker! I was the selfish one that was greatly unlearned! He is love, and His commandments are love! With hate there comes consequences, and I figured out how foolish of me it was to blame Him for the consequences of my own actions, when He commanded me not to do the action that brought the consequences on myself! I figured out the only one I could blame was myself. From that point on I read the bible and prayed. I still remained unstable and double minded for years. On God's own timing and in His own way, He rescued me from my deep pit that I had no power to overcome. I love God, He is my Father in Heaven and I know His love. Wisdom comes from above and because of Him, my eyes have truly been opened and by His strength, the chains of constant and repeatable sin was broken. All good things come from Him and He is to be praised forever!
The majority of my time outside work is spent reading my bible and reading about new biblical discoveries and completed prophecies. I take delight in the truth and in doing things that my Father in Heaven finds pleasing. This world will pass away but His words will stand forever.
For those who give everything to God and trust Him, He directs the path and establishes their way.
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