(866) 646-5683



Since 2009 Sports Fan Outreach International has participated in the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20) by organizing mission teams of preachers and evangelists to proclaim Christ (Phil. 1:18) to fans and local citizens at major sporting events like the Super Bowl, World Cup (soccer), Olympics, Final Four, and Rugby World Cup in the U.S.A. and large community events like festivals (see Gospel Invasions).

The teams are there to preach and teach the Bible amongst the large crowds of thousands of souls, minister to the souls who respond, refer them to a Bible teaching church for discipleship, distribute literature and be a present resource for the people regarding their questions and needs about the Christian faith.

SFOI ultimately exists for the salvation of sinners so they receive eternal life (John 17:3); the edification of the Saints that they may grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18); for the development of the evangelists who work with SFOI and for all that they receive every spiritual blessing God gives us in Christ (Ephesians 1:3).

SFOI’s three distinctives for the preachers and evangelists that participate are fellowship, teaching and outreach. Fellowship means that the Saints who participate are organized and minster together in teams and that the Saints’ accommodations are at the same location to facilitate interaction amongst everyone so they can get to know each other; teaching means that during the outreaches Pastors and Professors speak to us either about a specific topic or their area of expertise; and outreach means that the Saints are engaged in evangelistic outreach to the fans for six to eight hours per day.

SFOI now has established the George Whitefield program for men who believed they are called to full-time evangelism. SFOI offers administrative support and practical and theological training for full-time evangelists.

To apply to the George Whitefield program: George Whitefield Program Application.

If you are ready to go on a trip or give so others can go contact Bill Adams:  423-724-7500.

Email: info@sfoi.org

Phone: (866) 646-5683 (Main)

4420 Oakwood Drive #16130

Chattanooga, TN 37416-9998

This sermon captures the heart of Sports Fan Outreach: Rekindling Your Love for Christ.


Bill Adams – Chief Evangelist & Overseer

image of Bill Adams SFOI sports outreach

Bill Adams was raised in Baptist and Methodist churches and has never in his life not known of or considered God and His Word.

In 1988, upon graduation from Belmont University’s Masters in Business program the Lord personally called Bill to follow Him. That began a 34 year journey of following Jesus Christ and growing in the grace and knowledge of Him.

In 1995, the Lord called Bill into the highways and hedges to preach the Word. In 2000, this work became full-time.

In the early years Bill preached at seemingly every concert, sporting event, parade and festival in Atlanta and simultaneously the Lord led him to travel to major sporting events like the Super Bowl and Final Four. Plus he’s been to the following international sporting events: Olympics (6x), World Cup Soccer (twice), Cricket Championship (3x) and Rugby Cup (3x).

In 2007 Sports Fan Outreach [ SFOI ] was born as an effort to bring more Saints with him to preach at these sporting events and now through the George Whitefield Program Bill is seeking men who believed they are called into full-time evangelism to join him to saturate the Western World with the Gospel.

Over the years millions of souls throughout the Western World have heard the Word through Bill’s preaching and the great delight of his life is knowing and preaching Jesus Christ crucified.

Bill is a confessing evangelical Anglican based on the 1662 Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England and is an ordained priest in the United Episcopal Church . Bill earned a Graduate Diploma in Theology from  Union School of Theology headquartered in Oxford, England. Lord willing Bill will enter theMTh Research Programme at Edinburgh Theological Seminary this September. 

You can read Bill’s personal theological thoughts here: Bill Adams’ Theological Writings: Views from an Evangelist.

Phone: 866-646-LOVE (5683)

Jason McGough – Evangelist Representative

My name is Jason McGough. I am from Loris, SC. I have 4 children and a grandchild . Morgan, Jayce, Lillie, Knox and Kennedy. I have been married to my bride Missy for 14 Years. The Lord saved me on February 5, 2005 and I have held to a reformed view of scripture since 2012. I have worked for an engineering firm for 11 years and I am a member of a reformed local body in Myrtle Beach, SC called Cornerstone Church. I am the evangelist to the evangelists for SFOI.

Text: 423-226-0504

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