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Rev. W. W. (Bill) Adams

Chattanooga, TN



Bill Adams was called to preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in the highways and hedges (Luke 14:23) full-time in November 2000. Since then Bill has preached to over 10,000,000 souls throughout the Western World at major community festival like concerts and festivals in Atlanta and major sporting events like pro and college football games.

Bill has preached at and often led evangelism teams to 24 Super Bowls, 12 NBA & 13 MLB All-Star Celebrations, 16 Final Fours, 2 World Cups, 4 Summer and 3 Winter Olympic Games and 3 Rugby and 3 Cricket World Championships.

Bill is the Overseer for SFOI.org who’s vision is to “Mobilize the next Generation of George Whitefields to Saturate the Western World with the Gospel” and directs the George Whitefield Program for men who want to preach the Gospel full-time.

Bill is an ordained presbyter in the United Episcopal Church https://unitedepiscopal.org/.  Prior to ordination he was a commissioned evangelist in the Reformed Episcopal Church. ACNA Archbishop Beach originally commissioned Bill as an evangelist in 2011 as part of the Anglican Diocese of the South, in 2016 REC Bishop Dan Morse commissioned Bill in the same capacity and after Bishop Morse's retirement Bill served under REC Bishop Peter Manto.

Bill earned a Graduate Diploma in theology from Union School of Theology based in Oxford, England.

You can read Bill’s personal theological thoughts here: Bill Adams’ Theological Writings: Views from an Evangelist.

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