My name is Blake Cochran. I have a beloved wife and three kids. My kids often join my team for evangelism. I direct an evangelistic ministry called Lights in the Darkness whose purpose it is to take the Gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation, to those outside of the walls of our churches. This ministry has been active since 2017, after the Lord began to call me to street ministry in 2016. In 2021, I received the honor of ordination by my pastors Scott Dukus and Patrick Turman of Turnaround Christian Ministries as a minister of the Word. My life’s greatest desire is to one day find myself standing before The Lord of Lords and hear the words, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”. My second greatest desire is like it, to lead as many other people as I can to that same blessed fate. The Lord Jesus rescued me from the sea of condemnation in which I drowned. In His grace, He saw fit to call me out of my deception and my lukewarm walk. I am eternally and indescribably grateful, knowing the terrible fate which I deserve but am sparred from thanks to the blood of Jesus. As deep and abundant as was my condemnation, much more abundant and powerful is His grace by which I was delivered. By His blood and my testimony, I have been set free. He who the Son sets free is free indeed. Having been set free by the Son from my captivity, I am now one who looks to share the Key, that is the Gospel, that can rescue others from their captive slavery to sin. All glory, honor, and praise to The King.
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