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Game Summary

Our team for the PAC 12 Championship Outreach #sfoi

image of sports outreach

Hundreds of tracts going out in Las Vegas. Fertile soil for sure. #sfoi

Game Summary

Lou brings the good news. Crowds growing.

Great team of witnesses to bring the good news to the SEC fans.

Game Summary

Big 10 Championship

Team Leader:  Bill Adams

Game Summary

Big 10 Championship pictures and videos

Mark Yoho Brian Ninde Dennis Mohr Ken Hisle   

This is an ideal location for Indianapolis ministry. Plus Amen Corner at Lucas Oil Stadium. Thousands passing by to receive tracts and hear the Word.

Below are pictures from two locations:  the Indianapolis Convention Center and "Amen Corner" at Lucas Oil Stadium. 

At "Amen Corner" you'll see Joe in the crimson shirt; Brian in the grey sweatshirt; Mark in the yellow hat and Payton in the fur hat. Everyone is preaching, distributing tracts and talking to people.

At the Indianapolis Convention Center is Mark, Ken Hisle, Dennis Mohr and Brandon Emerson preaching, etc.

Below are a series of brief videos (from :30 - 1:30) taken over Friday night and Saturday.  The message of the video is in the title if you click on it.

Big 12 Championship

Team Leader:  Joe Hinson

Game Summary

Will Dieterich and Joe from today's Big 12 Championship game at AT&T Stadium in Arlington Texas. We had many thousands of fans go past us hearing the gospel call as many people as there were we would have liked to have gotten a lot more tracts out but we still passed out a lot.

My boy Joe Hinson preaching Christ at the game last Saturday.

Big 12 Championship outreach...#sfoi1000

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