"In the year 2000 God saved me by his amazing grace. I was raised Catholic when I was younger but my family only went on Christmas and Easter. I was sent to catechism classes and conformation classes but it meant nothing to me. It was just what you did back then. I lived my life as a rebel and was a wicked man only living for self. But at work one day at lunch there was a young man sitting across the table who was a JW. And he asked me if I were to die would I go to heaven?
I said yes I thought I was pretty good person compared to the rest of mankind, I said I did more good things than bad. He asked if I had a Bible at home and I said yes. He said read it. So I picked up the Bible never read it in my life and started reading it for the first time and GOD started to open my eyes. I couldn’t put it down there was a hunger there that was never there before. After some months of non stop reading the Truth of His Word God was convicting me showing me that I was a wicked lost man born in sin and that I was not good at all according to His standard. In the spring of the year 2000 in my room one night broken over my sin I cried out to God to save me and forgive me of all my sin confessing and forsaking all the sin I could remember in my life repenting of all that I could remember and asking God to change my heart to love and follow Him in obedience putting my trust my faith in Him alone.
From that day forward God changed my heart to seek after him and gave me such a hunger for Him and His Word. I had to tell people about Him and what He has done for me from that point on began sharing with people especially my wife Lisa who thought I was absolutely out of my mind. She was not a believer at that time it took a couple of years for God to save her also Praise His Glorious Name! Tried to find a Biblical Church in the suburb of Chicago where we lived at the time and just couldn’t find anything biblical without driving 2 hours from our house. Eventually heard Paul Washer speak in Alabama and a few years after that in 2008 we eventually moved to Alabama to get our family under the preaching of the Word we took it that seriously. Our families thought we were crazy but we moved anyway. Went to the same church that we seen Paul Washer speak and about 3 years ago my Pastor who is involved with HeartCry planted a Church in the area and we are part of that work right now where we are members.
We have the full support of our Church and Pastor for the evangelistic ministry that we do in and around the area which consists of open air preaching, college campus ministry etc. May our Great God receive All the Glory. There is No King but Christ!!"
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