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[this page is for you if you are interested in becoming a Ministry Partner with SFOI]

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Information for Ministry Partners


This page is intended to provide a general ministry partner overview. 

For more information please contact Bill Adams: 

bill@sfoi.org / 866-646-5683 

The page is updated frequently.

Jesus Christ came into the world for two reasons:

to reveal God to us and to reconcile us to God so we can know Him personally (John 17:3)

#1 What is the goal of SFOI.org? 

To preach Christ (Phil 1:18) at major sporting events, concerts and festivals for fans and local citizens to know and be reconciled to God (John 17:3) in other words to become Christians. This happens by them hearing the Gospel, being provided the opportunity to respond, being ministered to in the moment and being referred to a Bible teaching church in their area for discipleship. [Acts 2:383:195:318:2217:3020:2126:20; 2 Cor. 7:10; 2 Peter 3:9Rev. 3:19].

Below is the list of stadiums where an evangelist could be located. Less than 1,000 evangelists can saturate the sports and concert fan world with the Gospel.

#2 How many souls hear the Gospel or at least a life giving Word at a typical event?

15,000 – 100,000 per day.

#3 How many evangelists participate in SFOI.org events?

Anywhere from 2 – 100. A college or pro football game can have 2 evangelists and the Super Bowl Outreach 100.

#4 How many evangelists have fans seen at SFOI.org events in 2024?

There are 2 numbers used here:

The number of individual evangelists who participate with SFOI in a given year.

The number of appearances each evangelist make.

For instance there could be 100 individuals who participate in a year and 50 of them participate twice. That would mean there are 100 evangelists making 150 appearances. 

  • 2024: Evangelists: 425 - Appearances: 956
  • 2023: Evangelists: 225 - Appearances: 445
  • 2022: Evangelists: 243 - Appearances: 478
  • 2021: Evangelists: 275 - Appearances: 325
  • 2020: Evangelists: 120 - Appearances 140
  • 2019: Evangelists: 272 - Appearances: 522
  • 2018: Evangelists  254 - Appearances: 531

#5 What is the 2025 goal for evangelists to participate with SFOI.org?  

Ultimately 500 individuals participating. [Plus eventually 39 full-time evangelists through the George Whitefield Program ].

#6 What is the financial goal to reach 500 individuals and 100 full-time evangelists?  

$500,000 [Lord willing – the budget is designed to reach it]

#7 What items are paid for by the budget?  

SFOI personnel who support, minister to and recruit evangelists, advertising which includes internet and booths at conferences to look for evangelists, training for SFOI event Team Leaders so they can effectively recruit and train evangelists and any other item associated with mobilizing evangelists.

#8 What are you being asked to do? 

Give $100 monthly for 12 months and/or give towards a current project.

#9 What do you receive in return? 

Weekly Ministry Update sent via email, monthly ministry newsletter; monthly 30 minute prayer time with an SFOI Staff member to pray for items in your life and ultimately you store up treasure in heaven (Matthew 6:20).

#10 Key projects:  These projects are for evangelist trainings, evangelists' recruitment and organizational and legal support to provide a structure that supports their ongoing efforts.

  • Biblical Exposition Workshops (Known as Keep Your Finger in the Text): Heath Pucel is leading the training, and this amount is remuneration to Heath for his teaching: $1,200 / month.
  • CPA and bookkeeper: $900 / month.
  • UK and Canadian start up package: includes hiring Executive Director, renting an office and administrative support: $150,000 each.
  • Advertising - $1,000 / month for ads on Social Media & Chattanooga area radio stations.
  • Legal Fees - ChamblissLaw.com in Chattanooga is our counsel for organizational and free speech needs: $5,000
  • Legal Fees Canada - Anderson & Company is Canadian counsel for Free Speech needs: $3,000 ($ Canadian)
  • Legal Fees UK - Beder-Harrison is counsel to hire US Citizen to work for us in the UK. £10,000 for their entire effort.
  • Tele Marketing & Church list development- $500 / month for adding to the SFOI Church list and dedicated calling to the churches to recruit evangelists.
  • UK: hiring local evangelist, David Day, to work for the UK office. $10,000.

Monthly Giving:

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