My name is Matt Casey. I was born and raised in Calhoun, GA just a small town close to an hour north of Atlanta. I am married with 3 amazing children. We are members of Heritage Baptist Church and have been since early 2023 where we have been able to learn, grow, and become closer to the Lord than we could have ever thought even just a few years ago.
I was called to preach the fall of 2023 and have been doing so faithfully since. I am active in our preaching ministries at all the nursing homes in Gordon County and anywhere or at any time God provides an opportunity. Completely unworthy of this calling, I feel so blessed to be used as His vessel. I am a Sunday School teacher at HBC as well.
So my story of how I got here. I came to the realization I was lost and in desperate need of a Savior one summer night in 2010. Counseled by a preacher friend from work named Michael, I gave my life and put my trust and faith in Christ as the only way of salvation on the top step of my porch right around midnight.
Although I gave my life to Christ, I had no clue how to be a Christian. I started off on fire but with time I grew away from the church and from God. I ended up back out in the world, became a drunk of all drunks, a narcissist, a womanizer, and a poor excuse for a husband and father. Then, on the night of July 28, 2022 the Lord spoke to my heart in a voice so loud I could not help but hear Him. He wanted to know if this is the way I wanted to be found if He returned and if this was the way I wanted to raise my children. I had been trying to quit drinking on my own for 2 years and it came to no avail. My kids were scared of me, my wife hated who I had become, and I was living in a misery even the vodka could no longer drown out. I told God that I didn't want to drink anymore but if that was going to happen, He had to take my desire away. I told Him that I had tried but I could not do it. I went to bed that night a drunk and I woke up sober. He had taken my desire away. It took a few months for my brain to really clear out from the alcohol and drug abuse to realize what had really happened, but then God began working on me some more.
Driving to work one Sunday morning, He stopped me in my tracks and let me know I should be in church and not headed to work. I turned around, went home and got everyone ready and we went to church. A couple of weeks into going back to church we had revival and my wife got saved. That summer at vacation Bible school my son got saved. This summer at church camp my oldest daughter got saved. Praise God for His abundant grace and mercy. One day, when my youngest daughter reaches the age of accountability(she is 10 months right now), I have complete faith that He can save her too.
God has grown me and our family in Him more than any of us deserve and the praise and glory is all His. It is nothing we were able to do or conjure up, but all what He saw fit when we turned from our wicked ways, humbled ourselves, and sought His will for our lives. I am blessed and so very thankful for any and all opportunities I get to share the Gospel to the lost and dying world. I know how wretched I was, and I know I deserve hell and the eternal torment and separation that comes with it, but because He loved me, He sent His Son to die in my place and make atonement for my sins, that I may have eternal life and I will forever praise His name for that!
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