I was raised in the Catholic religion. Less than 2 month's after Graduating High School in 1982 I enlisted in the United States Air Force. On the evening of Resurrection Sunday (April of 1989, while I was working in the Emergency Room as an Emergency Medical Technian, at Ramstein Air Base West Germany), Chaplain Richard Spearman came in to visit us. While we were talking briefly, he said, "SGT. Schank, if you ever want to talk, Please call me and we can set up an appointment". I made an appointment with Chaplain Richard Spearman (and we met once a week) for 4 week's. During those appointments, Chaplain Spearman "took me through" the 10 Commandments. I experienced, exactly what GOD says in Galatians 3:24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. I truly experienced Godly sorrow, as I sat in Chaplain Spearman's office: and I wept over all of the sin in my life. Praise The LORD, that GOD granted me the gift of Repentance and I was born again on 26th of May 1989. Four month's later, I went through a very similar experience just like Job experienced in the Bible. (I was Medically Retired from the United States Air Force for post traumatic stress. Due to the Air Show Disaster that happened at Ramstein Air Base on 28 August 1988. 3 Italian Fighter Jets collided while performing a Very Dangerous "Heart Shaped Maneuver". The 1 Jet, "clipped" 2 other Jet's on the tail of their Aircraft, and that Fighter Jet Tumbled right through the Crowd of Spectators: Wounding 500 people and killing 70 other Spectators. I was 1 of MANY Medical Personnel who worked on all of the wounded and dealt with many of the dead bodies. ***GOD IS GOOD, and he has brought me a Very Long Way in "healing" from dealing with all of that Trauma.
Praise The LORD, in 1993 GOD brought Ginny into my life and we were Married on 29 July 1995. She TRULY Is My Proverbs 31 Bride/Wife, & 7 day's ago and Thanks to GOD: We Celebrated our 22nd Wedding Anniversary!!! We have 5 Adult Children: Sabrina (35), Eric (34), Aeron (33), Alyx (28), and Ana (27). And, GOD has Blessed us with 9 Beautiful Grandchildren!! During the Spring, Summer and Fall of 1993 & 1994 I did evangelism on the Street's of Saint Paul: handing out Gospel Tract's and 1:1 witnessing.
The very 1st time that I Preached in the Open Air, in St.Paul Minnesota, I experienced physical persecution from the Police; Unfortunately, I ran from doing evangelism on the Street's, until 2005. The Spring of 2005 I started evangelizing on the Street's of Downtown Minneapolis with other Believer's. (2005- 2008 we handed out Gospel Tract's and did 1:1 witnessing). 2009 is the 1st year that I started Preaching The Gospel in the Open Air, and by GOD'S GRACE I'm still Preaching The Gospel in Downtown Minneapolis and sometimes in other States. Praise GOD, I have been to the Super Bowl Outreach 6 times, the Fall for Greenville Outreach 3 times (when they used to have it), and I have been to a few Outreaches in New York City. Also, by GOD'S Grace and Strength, I have been to the Ukraine (during the Summer) on Short-Term Mission's Trips 2009, 2010 & 2011. And, 3 year's ago I was in Guatemala for a Short-Term Mission's Trip. LORD Willing, this coming February, I will be 1 of the Team Leader's @ Super Bowl Outreach '18. ***I Love to Preach The Gospel and "Lift Up" The Name That Is ABOVE Every name. To plead with all of the lost soul's to be Reconciled to GOD. And to warn/let ALL of them know, that one day Every Knee Shall Bow, and Every Tongue Confess That JESUS Christ Is LORD, To The GLORY Of GOD The Father!!
This past May 17th - May 30th: I was in Israel with 6 other Brother's Preaching The Gospel. (6 of us were from the United States & Brother Desmond Smyth came from Dublin, Ireland). Praise The LORD, we Preached in Jerusalem, Caparneum, Eliat (I don't know if I spelled that correctly; It's the Southernmost City in Israel), and in Tel Aviv. The Gospel was FAITHFULLY Preached, we gave away MANY Bibles that were in the Hebrew language and Many Ingil's (That means New Testament's that were in Arabic). SOLO DEO GLORIA!!!
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