What is happening
SFOI is returning Lord willing to London for this fall's NFL London games. The dates to be announced.
There will be preaching at the games scheduled at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium and Wembley Stadium plus at 20 locations in London during the week.
If you are a present open air Gospel preacher or want to begin, pray about joining the Team for 10 days of prayer, fellowship and 6 - 8 hours per day of ministry to fans and local citizens. These are pictures from previous outreaches in London: NFL London ’18 , NFL London '19, NFL London '22, NFL London '23, NFL London '24 and at the Cricket World Cup.
If you can't attend "Sponsor An Evangelist" (donate the fee) for someone to go in your stead: SAE.
Event Info
Location: London, England
Event Leader: Bill Adams
Speakers: TBA
Dates: TBA
Ministry Schedule: TBA
Accommodation, Meals & Airport Pick-up:
Accommodations: Highbury Centre.
Check In: 3:00 PM
Check Out: 10:00 AM
Address: 20-26 Aberdeen Park, Highbury, London N5 2BJ.
Meals: Breakfast at the Highbury Centre. All other meals are on your own and not included.
Airport Pickup: Ride the Tube to Highbury Centre.
Airfare: You purchase your ticket on your own. If you have never searched for a ticket before contact us to receive guidance.
Travel: Book Your Travel
New feature: book your flights; car rental, etc. via SFOI's partnership with Hotel Planner.
You can also call: 888-973-5987 to check for unpublished airfare rates.
Visit Hotel Planner on this link:
Registration info:
Who can attend: Married couples and men.
Cost of the trip: TBA
Payment Deadline: TBA
DonorBox Payment Link: NFL London [for accommodations only].
Next steps:
Please pray daily for the London Civil Magistrate based on 1 Timothy 2:1-7.
Digital Exhibitors:
Living Waters, Gospel of God Ministry, REF, George Whitefield Program, Banner of Truth, BardinMarsee Publishing (Waterproof Bible), To The End of the Earth, Until All Hear, Testimonies of God, Globeworks, -- purchase your Waterproof Bible at the SFOI store here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's):
If you have not previously participated in an SFOI outreach, and you have questions about how SFOI works, then visit these pages to help you understand the work of the ministry:
Ministry Team '25
Game Summaries - 2024
NFL London Outreach 2024 Ministry Highlight video:
David Day:
"While I was in London, I watched a brother proclaim the truth to a gathering of people, most of whom seemed entirely disinterested, even indifferent. When he finished his message, he stepped aside and began to pray, and I observed him in silence as he poured out his soul with tears. In that moment, the joy of the Lord overwhelmed me. Here was a man moved to tears for these people, people who scarcely cared to listen. And as I watched, a profound thought struck me: if my brother in Christ could love these strangers enough to weep for them, how much does he love me as his brother in Christ? The Lord taught me so much on this trip. This is just another thing I am left with. How incomprehensible must be Christ’s love for me, His own child! A love for the brethren is simply a shadow of the unsearchable depths of Christ love for us.
Thank you brother, thank you all."
"As the multitudes gathered at Wembley Stadium today for NFL LONDON, three people each looked on and said.
A shopkeeper observed the crowds and thought, 'This will be a profitable day for me!"
A policeman, with his eye trained on potential trouble, considered, 'No doubt, there will be disturbances that require my attention."
But the SFOI Evangelist, oh he sung "All glory be to Christ our King! All glory be to Christ, His rule and reign will ever sing, All glory be to Christ! What a great place to preach King Jesus!"
The Lord is kind. "
Jerardo Ibarra:
"Preaching the gospel in front of BIG BEN TOWER in London
“For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit,”
I Peter 3:18"
"A year ago Matthew Redondo asked me to give this sign to brother Joash who we meet in London and he evangelized with us during the NFL LONDON 2023 outreach.
I missed him on the last day and held it for a whole year and have returned this year.
Joash has received his sign.
Praise God"
Photos of the masses who were able to hear the Gospel of Christ in London:
Preaching videos from the Outreach:
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