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Join Ken Hisle and his team in heralding the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ at the University of Illinois home football games this 2021 season.

If you would like to join him please contact him at 309-275-1487 or thecrossguy@hotmail.com

If you have any questions, please let him know.

Home Game Schedule

Saturday Saturday Friday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday
8/28 9/4 9/17 10/2 10/9 10/30 11/27
12:20pm CT 6:30pm CT 8:00pm CT TBA CT 2:30/3pm CT TBA CT TBA CT
Nebraska UTSA Maryland Charlotte Wisconsin Rutgers Northwestern

Game Summaries

Game summary

More About Ken:

Ken Hisle – Bloomington, Ill
My name is Ken Hisle and I live in Bloomington, Illinois. I have been married to my wife Dee for 24 years and my life’s passion is sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with this lost world. I have been doing open air preaching and street evangelism for about 7 years. I live minutes from Illinois State University and have joined with other men and women locally to do outreach in our community.

I have been blessed to attend the Ambassador’s Academy twice (#12 & #18), the Super Bowl Outreach in 2013, 2014 & 2015, Revival Preacher Training 2013, the Kentucky Derby 2013, 2014 & 2015 and Fall for Greenville 2012 and 2013.

For the past 2 1/2 years I have been traveling to Chicago with the Chicago Evangelism Team (you can find us on Facebook) at least once per month and we are beginning to travel to other large cities within a few hours of us (St. Louis, Indianapolis). I am currently a self-employed contractor and one day hope to be doing full time evangelism…Lord willing!

Find Ken on Social Media at:
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