Gospel Invasion will Lord willing be in Daytona Beach Nov. 11 - 14 for the Rockville Festival.
Location of Event: Daytona Beach, FL
Event Leader: Warren Marquardt
Dates: Nov. 11 - 14, 2021.
Ministry Schedule:
Thursday: Noon - 5:00 PM.
Friday: Noon - 7:00 PM
Saturday: Noon - 7:00 PM
Sunday: Noon - 7:00 PM
Accommodations: 1070 Kings Way Port Orange, FL 32129 [there's 4 beds and 2 couches - room for 6].
Meals: On your own.
Airport Pickup: Yes. Email your itinerary to info@sfoi.org.
Speakers: TBA
Cost: $50 / night / person: $200. Pay here: GIDB. [you can make multiple payments]
Registration information: This is event is for married couples and men.
Exhibitor: TBA.
Next Step: Register by clicking on the SFOI logo below. Once you register and are approved you will receive further information including but not limited to an event waiver and payment information. You will also be asked to submit a bio and picture to be posted on the event pages.
Questions about how SFOI works: If you have not previously participated in an SFOI outreach then visit these pages to help you understand the work of the ministry: SFOI Distinctions; the Gospel, the Goal and Expectations; of SFOI; SFOI Vision and Mission statements; Frequently Asked Questions; Why SFOI emphasizes open air preaching
Gospel Invasion - Daytona Beach Team
Warren and Darlene Marquardt - Plant City, FL
Warren and Darlene are originally from Wisconsin but now live in Florida. We were both born again by the grace of our LORD and Savior Jesus (Yehovah Elohiym), the Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit (Ruwach Elohiym), as initiated by the Father ('Ab) in 1989. One God in three persons. Since then we have continued raising our 4 children into adulthood and now as empty nesters are seeking to serve our God in other ways. We are thankful for the ministry of SFOI in providing many of those other ways. We also do our own street outreach and from time to time abortion clinic ministry.
We serve in the children's ministry at our local church and consistently stay late at church to minister to the needs of the building and the people who attend services and arrive early to pray for the service that day and any other known needs. Our greatest desire as a couple is to be an example of Christ and the church to the world at large. We know we share equally in the ministry that God has given us to do and we honor the marriage covenant with the husband as the head (the example of Jesus who laid down his life for the church) and the wife as the church (seeking to serve Jesus in all things). There is no greater thing in life than to serve the Living God in all that we do whether separately or in unity. We look forward to serving with you in Miami!
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