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Join Gerry Collins and his team in heralding the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ at the Bakersfield College Renegade home football games this 2023 season.

If you would like to join him please contact him at Gerrylcollins@gmail.com or 661-477-7944

If you have any questions, please let him know.

Home Game Schedule


Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday
9/9 9/16
#of Evangelists on team = 1 #of Evangelists on team = 1
Name: Gerry Collins Name: Gerry Collins

Game Summaries

10/22 - Last Saturday I was at the stadium before the football game to pass out tracts and share the gospel with fans entering the stadium. This time was the busiest I have ever seen at one of their home games. Turns out this was Homecoming this time and probably double the fans this time which I wasn’t expecting. Was able to have one on one conversation several times. One lady seemed very interested and very concerned about what happens after you die. She kept the tract and promised to read it. Another was said I get one of these (gospel tracts) every game, “from you”. Was also very encouraged that another Christian was so happy I was there which always like to see. Passed out 200 tracts also. 

All for Christ,

Gerry Collins

9/24 - I was at the stadium for the home game on Saturday evening September 24th. It went well as I prayed prior to the event for more conversations. I was able to pass out only about 100 tracts and but I had 4 or 5 gospel conversations. It’s a small venue now with me starting to be recognized maybe not as many taking tracts. I felt the Lord was with me and am thankful the truth was shared.  It was a blessed night.

9/17 - Picture from today's Outreach.  This week some didn’t take tracks saying they received tracts from the prior week. The location really is low key and not attended by large crowds in a location that would not allow for open air preaching.  I passed out 170 tracts!

9/3 - Outreach went well.  I'm now becoming known by the authorities at the games and also the fans.  I passed out about 250 tracts!

More About Gerry:

Gerry Collins – Bakersfield, CA

image of biblical evangelism Bakersfield College Renegade football
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