Hi my name is Ken White. By God’s Grace, “I am the husband of one wife”, my beautiful and faithful wife, Webze White. Webze was born and raised in the Philippines, and has been in Christ and faithfully and diligently serving Him for many years, well before the LORD saved me and gave me a new heart.
I was born in 1968 and am so incredibly thankful to the LORD to be able to say that I have now been serving the Lord Jesus Christ well over half of my life – Only by His Mercy and Grace. The LORD saved me around 1990, and very shortly after, I began to share the Gospel (to the best of my understanding at the time) and soon became involved in missions.
In 1993 I went to the Philippines to join a filipino church planting ministry team which included, Webze, as one of the members, and that is where we met. Since that time we have also been involved in other interdenominational ministries, and though we would often question many things regarding various teachings and practices, the Bible, God’s Unchanging Word, has been our anchor all along.
Years ago, I was introduced to the doctrines of Grace, and some truths that were verified for me came together, which impacted me greatly. Very shortly after that, I was compelled by the LORD, including the LORD using someone to challenge me, to begin to preach in the open-air. In the Power of the Holy Spirit and with the confidence of Jesus Christ and His Word, I have been preaching regularly ever since. May our Great God be Praised for all that He does in and through such weak vessels as me! (2 Corinthians 4:5-7 / 1 Corinthians 2:4,5 / 1 Corinthians 1:26-29)
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