University of Texas Outreach Ministry Report
(Texas vs. Iowa State)
Today was a great day of ministry at Darrell K Royal Stadium. Tom McLaughlin and I arrived at our usual ministry spot at around 8am. We quickly set up and began open-air preaching and handing out gospel tracts and booklets. A little bit later, we were joined by our good friend David Santisteban and his two sons, Luis and Solomon. David gifted us some pretty cool football jerseys so that we could look professional while we were preaching. The front of the jersey said “the way” and the back of the jersey had our nicknames on it. We looked very professional indeed!
We were greatly encouraged by several things today. First, we kept running into people who told us that they had already received gospel tracts from us in weeks prior. I pray that as people see our consistency at the stadium, they will begin to pay more attention to our message. Secondly, we saw our friend Darryl once again and he told us that he had just celebrated his 19th wedding anniversary and that he was going to fight for his marriage. If you have read the previous ministry reports you might remember that we had prayed for Darryl and his marriage for several weeks now so we praise God for this good news!
Thirdly, as we were leaving, we ran into another Christian who had just moved to Austin from Las Vegas and was standing at a different corner than us handing out little gospel of John booklets. We talked to him for a while, encouraged him and prayed for him before leaving. We told him to meet us at the stadium for the next home game. Please pray for this faithful brother!
Sadly, there are only two more home games left for the regular season. One on November 12th, and another on November 25th. Interestingly, both of these games are against “Christian” universities, Texas Christian University and Baylor University. Please be in prayer for these last two outreaches.
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