University of Texas Outreach Ministry Report
By Francisco Nieves
What happens when the # 1 team in college football comes into town? It draws a record crowd. This weekend at the Texas versus Alabama game, we had the privilege of preaching to a record crowd of over 105,000 fans!
My friend David Santisteban and I took turns preaching in the open-air to the massive crowds. Jose Ortiz, a member of our church, also joined us and handed out quite a few tracts. I was highly encouraged by all the Christians who walked by and supported what we were doing. One of our greatest desires is to motivate the body of Christ to a greater commitment to the great commission. Please pray that the Lord of the Harvest would raise up more laborers!
Of course, any open-air evolution is not complete without its scoffers. We would ask you to pray for one particular individual who has heckled us for the past two weeks. He is a pedicab driver who blasphemes the name of Jesus every time that he drives by (Father forgive him for he knows not what he is doing). I pray that God will open up his eyes and grant him repentance and faith and that he will one day join us in proclaiming the gospel in that same street corner.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers.
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