George Whitefield Program
The George Whitefield Program for full-time evangelists is conducting its annual Fellowship Conference the week of June 20 - 24, 2022. Workshops are offered on expository preaching and transitioning into full-time evangelism.
To apply, contact Bill Adams at either: bill@sfoi.org or 866-646-LOVE (5683) and then complete the registration page noting whether you are participating in Track #1 or #2. If you are interested in joining the GWP discuss this with Bill.
The two tracks:
Track #1: Administrative: this is required for men who are joining the GWP or men who want to learn the fundamentals of full-time evangelistic life. These topics are covered:
Again, the training is for men who believe they are called to or are considering the work of preaching Christ in the open air. This is not training in evangelism, that training is conducted through Sports Fan Outreach Int'l events, rather this is training for the administrative and personal aspects of ministry.
To register to attend click on this link and when asked for the event you are attending type: George Whitefield Program – Track #1: Register.
Track #2: Biblical Exposition: this is for GWP evangelists and pastors, teachers, seminary students or layman, who want to study Biblical Exposition for the purpose of sermon preparation.
These skills will be developed:
To register for the Biblical Exposition track visit this page and enter “George Whitefield Program – Track #2” when asked for the event you are attending: Register.
Scheduled Teachers
Track #1
Bill Adams: Chief Evangelist & Overseer of Sports Fan Outreach Int’l. Bill’s teaching includes:
Audio message: It's not about the money.
Audio message:
Reordering Your Schedule.
Track #2
Heath Pucel – is as an evangelist at Fishermen’s Call and the instructor of Bible exposition for SFOI. Heath will be using the format of what we call "Keep Your Finger in the Text". This year Heath is teaching the book of Proverbs.
Heath describes the goal of his teaching:
"It is a commitment to faithful exposition of Scripture and the dedication to the hard work of studying the text versus relying on what others say about the text like our favorite preachers or reliance on study notes and/or commentaries for our meaning before we put in the work. It seeks to correct the mishandling of Scripture in order to be relevant or getting it to say what we want to fit our own presuppositions or theological frameworks."
These attachments below also give you an idea of what and how Heath will teach. You will be assigned a text to work from prior to the training.
“Bill’s goal with SFOI and the GWP has been to train the next generation of George Whitefield’s. This goal combined with KYFITT provide a powerful remedy of faithful heralds of the King, rightly proclaiming His word and living a life fully and totally committed to prayer, study and preaching the word."
I am excited this year as we dive into Proverbs for a week.
Fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge;
wisdom and instruction, fools despise. ~ Proverbs 1:7 (LEB)
This year we are going to look at the most well know wisdom book, Proverbs. Throughout the week we will explore its wisdom and see not only is the book practical but also theological. We will also see how we can faithfully preach Jesus Christ from its wisdom. And provide the roadmap to persuasive powerful preaching (Rhetoric).
We will walk away from our time with more than a good way read through this book in a month but how to apply the wisdom and instruction within and see how God has used this to inform our thinking, actions and ultimately our very being as we look to grow more into the image and likeness of our Savior.
GWP Evangelists
Ministry Reports
Stirling Long - George Whitfield Program - Summer Fellowship Conference. GWP provides the necessary support and training so you can preach the Gospel in the highways and hedges. This is my second year. What an exciting time studying the Book of Proverbs. “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and discipline.” Proverbs 1:7 NABRE
Comments and Pics from Darrel Davis -
June 23 - What a blessed time here at the GWP Conference. Great fellowship with like-minded brothers and wise instruction. Looking forward to using this material and motivation to move forward as a full-time missionary evangelist to the streets.
Evangelists, pastors, teachers communicate the completed Word of God “building on the foundation of the apostles and prophets”; so these offices continue until Christ returns.
a) Pastors & Teachers speak the Word to the church, shepherd the church
b) Evangelists speak the word to those outside the church
June 29 - “Beloved, it is a faithful thing you do in all your efforts for these brothers, strangers as they are, who testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their journey in a manner worthy of God. For they have gone out for the sake of the name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles.” (3Jn 1:5-7)
I never noticed this passage until Joe Hinson preached on it at the GWP Conference. Gaius was being commended for his hospitality and generosity as he supported some of the many faithful itinerant ministers of the gospel who proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ wherever God led them.
These servants of the Lord depended upon God to supply their needs through other believers - much like itinerant evangelists and missionaries today. Something to think about...
Above - Some pictures from the GWP Conference this week taken by Anglican Bishop Rios from Cartagena Colombia, I learned a lot from Bill Adams this week. (Photos by the Bishop)
Darrel Davis - What a blessing to fellowship with these brothers and fellow evangelists. I enjoyed the GWP conference and thank the Lord for all I learned last week. Now is the time to put the hand to the plow and don't look back.
Joshua Richards - Please pray for my Brothers Joe Hinson, Will S Dieterich who describe their time with others at the George Whitefield Program! Bill Adams and Heath Pucel are the teachers this year and are gifted at their craft to gather laborers for the harvest and train them to serve Him. Pray about attending next year!
Joe Hinson - Bill Adams kicking off day 1 the George Whitefield Program summer training. Sports Fan Outreach #sfoi
SFOI Live with Special Guest, Tim Ferguson #georgewhitefieldprogram
Testimony from Tim Ferguson after attending George Whitefield Program
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