So I get to MTSU and park across the street , adjacent the stadium at the Subway. I walk a short distance and set up shop.
I put my “soap box,” a small foot stool I brought from my home down, stand upon it, open to Romans 1 and start reading at verse 18 on. This is around 5pm, I get a quarter of the way through Romans 2 and Isaiah rides up on his bike.
I just get through explaining the first few verses of Romans 2 and go to return to the text and Isaiah ask, “what do you have to say?”
So I go on reading and explaining the text while game attendees pass by, I hear scoffs from them and those located in the parking lot.
Isaiah sits and listens to the proclamation of Gods word for over an hour, asking questions and engaged fully with me and Gods Word. What a blessing!! I take Isaiah through the law to show him his sin (Romans 3:19-20)
and his need for the Savior.
Before the rain hits, I ask Isaiah, “when he was going to repent, turn from his sin and trust in the finished work of Christ alone?” He replied, “today,” wow!! God is gracious and compassionate, showing mercy to those He’s chosen to believe in His power for salvation, the gospel!
I prayed with Isaiah before departing.
Pray that Isaiahs profession was genuine, that he is contrite/ sorrowful over his sin and that he cry’s out to Jesus for forgiveness and salvation to eternal life.
All glory to Yahweh, the LORD of glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit!!
My name is Samuel David Harris, better known as “Red,” I was born and raised in Nashville, Tn. I’m 36 years old and now reside in McMinnville, Tn with my wife Erica of 6 years and 4 children.
I made a profession of faith at the age of 9, unknowingly to me because of the false conversion and delusion I was under. I was producing dry, dead, shriveled up fruit in my own name. I had said an empty prayer thinking accepting Christ as Lord was good enough to scathe by, creating a god in my own imagination that was ok with my sin, I struggled for many years with drug addiction, homelessness, jail and mental health hospitalizations. I was demon possessed to say the least.
I had my first child at 25, which I believe YHWH started drawing me to the foot of the cross then. I had a desire to live differently on account of my son, which ultimately still did not produce good fruit. However, I did make some changes, got off drugs and had a desire to take care of my kid. In 2013 I had another little boy, both out of wed lock, due to my lack of respect and honor for my parents and of scripture. In 2014 the mother of my boys and I split, and I meet my wife Erica. Before meeting Erica in 2014 God delivered me from a couple of diagnosis placed on me at 18 and 19 which were bi-polar and paranoid schizophrenia. I went back per my mother's request for evaluation and was re-diagnosed with no diagnoses in which they claimed I had drug induced psychosis.
Moving forward, Erica has been an immense blessing to my life, and surely she has been an example of God's mercy and grace as she put up with an unconverted husband and father for several years. On July 12, 2015 we were married and had our first daughter in September of 2015. You guessed it, we were both still living in sin, in a delusional state by both traditions we grew up with.
Erica was attending an Assemblies of God church in Murfreesboro at the time we meet and so to appease her I went. I had no desire to go to church, but because she was there, that's where I wanted to be. I’m grateful that God uses all things for the good of those that love Him and are called according to His purposes. After several years of sitting under deceptive preaching, teaching, years of service in this church, ushering, partaking in choir, teaching children, really doing nothing more than puffing my chest out, God got ahold of me and kicked open the doors of my heart and saved me to the uttermost.
I was in hot pursuit to try and become a music artist, of course, for the fame of it, that I got linked up with 2 guys that had been coming to the church. These guys took interest in me and invited me to a Bible study so I went. Before that happened though earlier on in the day before agreeing to study with them, reaching out to these guys to see when the next study would be, I was watching a video they did. The one speaking in the video was using James 1:22 and the LORD convicted my heart of the transgression He convicted me of my sins through James 1:22 and the breaking of His law transgressing against His holiness by being a hearer of the Word and not a doer. The LORD then granted me repentance to turn from my sin and trust in Christ for salvation and be saved from the wrath to come. I got before the LORD that very minute and begged for mercy, for Him to save me and pull me up out the pits of hell.
Gratefully He heard my plea and saved me that very day.
Back to the study, these guys went on for 3 hours and at the end of the study I proclaimed the deity of Christ in which they denied. That scared me to death seeing this was a foundation I’d learned as a kid and taught growing up. This challenged my thinking, I got before the Lord that very night after the study and asked Jesus to show me who He is. I started reading my Bible faithfully because of the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit, and seeking Him to know Him for Him and not who i thought He was because of tradition. I rebuked the 2 fellows for their denouncing Christ as God and moved forward. While reading my Bible daily and still attending FWC, God brought to my attention through the illuminating power of the Holy Spirit, and being lead to faithful preachers on You Tube such as Ray Comfort, Justin Peters, John McArthur, Voddie Baucham, and countless others that rightly divide the Word of truth following the pattern clearly set by the Apostles and prophets as Christ as the corner stone. God started revealing to me through His word, comparing the Word to what was being preached that something wasn’t right.
After the pandemic started and church was shut down, last Easter I was listening to the pastor of our old church Eddie Turner proclaim the prosperity gospel, which isn’t the gospel, and go on about his vision of the resurrected Christ which he’d been teaching for the last 30 years of his ministry. I realized by Gods Holy Word that we were being deceived and told my wife I was no longer going to attend because of the false preaching/teaching. Thankfully after many debates and rough night pleading with my wife through the scriptures she and my children followed me as I followed Christ out of that church.
Through Gods providence and sheer mercy, He’s allowed us a truly biblical home in Laurel Creek Baptist with a true expositor of scripture in Pastor Roy Terry amongst a congregation of faithful slaves to
Christ and His Word.
I’ve preached the power of God, the gospel along side another faithful brother, Adam Cutshaw at planned parenthood in Nashville. This will be the second time the Lord has allowed me to place on hand on the plow and “GO” preach the gospel. I do evangelize out of my barber chair all those YHWH brings to my house by proclaiming Gods gospel for salvation to the lost on almost a daily basis.
I work full time for TDOT and cut hair on the side out of my house.
I am forever grateful for the opportunity to go out into the field with you fellow workers to plead with those dying the foolishness of God through the preaching of His word that is more powerful than the strength of men.
My desire is to preach Christ and Him crucified! Not with elegance of speech or lofty ideals.
Grace alone, by Faith alone, by Christ alone, for Gods glory alone, by Scripture alone.
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not of your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no man may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
It is the pleasure of my life to digress and make known the King of Kings and Lord of Lords with you at Sports Fan Outreach.