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There are no more Jaguar home games this year. Please consider joining Peter next year.

Join Peter Doherty and his team in heralding the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ at the Jacksonville Jaguars home football games this 2020 season.

Peter will be outside of TIAA Bank Field each home game this season. If you would like to join him please contact him at: pdoherty200@gmail.com and 651-356-5287.

If you have any questions, please let him know.

Home Game Schedules

Sunday Thursday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday
9/13 9/24 10/18 11/8 11/22 11/29 12/13 12/27
1:00pm ET 8:20pm ET 1:00pm ET 1:00pm ET 1:00pm ET 1:00pm ET 1:00pm ET 1:00pm ET
Colts Dolphins Lions Texans Steelers Browns Titans Bears

Game Summaries

More About Peter:

Peter Doherty - St. Paul, MN

My name is Peter and I live in St. Paul, MN with my three sons. I’m pursuing a Master of Arts Degree in Religion at Liberty University with an emphasis in evangelism and church planting. I enjoy swimming, cycling and running and compete as an age group triathlete during the summer months. I plan to go into full time ministry after graduation in 2020 focusing on evangelism and church planting here in the US and abroad.

I have not always faithfully obeyed and followed our Lord Jesus Christ. Like many who confess they are Christians, I did not fully understand the pathway to salvation and abandoned God in pursuit of the passions and desires of my flesh. It was when I was brought to my knees after 35 years of sinful and disobedient behavior I realized I needed to completely surrender my life to following Jesus.

Since that day in July of 2009, my life has been radically changed and is a constant journey of transformation. My transformation is not of my own will but accomplished only through repentance and the power of the Holy Spirit. Paul states; “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here” (2 Cor 5:17). Because of all Christ has done for me, I’ve committed the rest of my life to serving our Lord Jesus Christ and sharing the gospel with the lost every chance I get.

My friend Keith and I began open air preaching and witnessing to the lost in the summer of 2017 after attending Ray Comforts Living Waters Ambassadors Academy. We regularly “go” and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ at major sporting events, University of MN campus, streets of downtown Minneapolis and other venues and places that attract large crowds of the unchurched and false converts.

As evangelists we must preach the entire truth of the gospel and not just the peace, love and joy that is a byproduct of our faith. Many churches today are filled with false converts because they fail to preach about God’s judgement and wrath that lies ahead for those who do not repent of their sins and seek transformation through the power of the Holy Spirit. We must encourage the sinner to hit their knees in repentance if they are going to be saved when the day of judgement is upon them. In the words of Charles Spurgeon; “If sinners will be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled, in the teeth or our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unprayed for.” May the power and strength of the Lord be in our presence always as we go out into a broken and sinful world and participate in God’s redemptive plan to rescue His children through their complete surrender to our Lord Jesus Christ!

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