Join Doug Renz and his team in heralding the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ at the Georgia Tech home football games this 2022 season.
Doug will be outside of Bobby Dodd Stadium in Atlanta, GA each home game this season. If you would like to join him please contact him at: or 706-975-0106.
If you have any questions, please let him know.
Monday | Saturday | Saturday | Saturday | Thursday | Saturday |
9/5 | 9/10 | 9/17 | 10/8 | 10/20 | 11/12 |
5:00pm ET | 4:00pm ET | 12:30pm ET | 1:00pm ET | 4:30pm ET | TBA ET |
Clemson | Western Carolina | Ole Miss | Duke | Virginia | Miami (Fla.) |
#of Evangelists on team = 3 | #of Evangelists on team = 3 | #of Evangelists on team = 3 | #of Evangelists on team = 3 | ||
Stirling Long | Stirling Long | Stirling Long | Stirling Long | ||
Carol Long | Carol Long | Carol Long | Carol Long | ||
Doug Renz | Doug Renz | Doug Renz | Doug Renz |
*times 3 hours prior to game time
10/8 - Saturday 10/8/2022 was a beautiful day to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in Atlanta, Ga at the Bobby Dodd Stadium for the Georgia Tech football game. I brought this time my crosswalk cross that says “Stop and Talk” hoping more students would have gospel conversations with us as students leave the dining hall and head towards the campus and stadium. We noticed the crowds were smaller than last game. Stirling Long and I preached and as a result we eventually had students stop to talk and ask questions which was great. Carol spoke to an Asian student who had questions about the Old Testament, and she talked with her for a while. Stirling and Carol spoke with Sam who was a catholic and they spoke for at least 10-15 minutes, as the Lord delivered Stirling out of Catholicism. I spoke with Kyro (pronounced Kee-ro) who is an Egyptian Coptic Christian who leads Bible studies at the college. He stopped because a few days ago there were other angry street preachers at the college preaching hate and condemning everybody to hell and no grace or gospel message. He was happy to see a difference in our gospel message to reach students. We exchanged emails and I plan to stay in touch with him as there is a professor at Georgia Tech who attends my church. I love how the Lord makes connections with the body of Christ. I spoke also with a student who stopped and asked me if Jesus was God and the son of man, and I answered him “yes” and led into about who Jesus was both God and Man and he came to die for our sins and forgive us. I presented the whole gospel with him, and his name is Nabeel which I assume is Muslim, and I hope to see him again. I offered him a Bible, but he declined. Please pray for the students we spoke to on Saturday that we spoke to and handed out gospel tracts and heard the gospel preaching that they would come to know the Lord and His love for them at the cross in the gospel. Below is a photo of myself and Kyro.
Doug FB Live to watch:
Georgia Tech Outreach 10/8/2022 #sfoi
— Sports Fan Outreach International (@SportsFanOutrea) October 8, 2022
ABOVE - Stirling Long - Inquisitive students stop and talk looking for answers outside of their own personal interpretations of faith. Many cannot believe that if you reject Jesus He will reject you. “But the one who denies and rejects Me before men, that one I will also deny and reject before My Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 10:33 AMP
ABOVE - Stirling Long A beautiful fall day on North Ave, in front of Bobby Dodd’s Georgia Tech Football Stadium. Preaching and talking to students and the many diverse cultures at Georgia Tech. Many great dialogues. “And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place,” Acts 17:26 ESV
9/17 - Georgia Tech Outreach on September 17th was a great day of preaching the gospel, with my brother Stirling Long and his wife Carol. We arrived approximately 12:15pm across the street on the corner across from Gate 10 and we had a great flow of students and parents that passed us by on the corner and crossed the street to the stadium. We plan to continue preaching at this location as it was crowded and we didn't have any issues with the Georgia Tech security. We had a few gospel conversations with a students who questioned why we were their during the game and not during the week. We spoke to one young lady who was a catholic and Stirling explained the issues with the Catholic church and how they don't preach the true Gospel of Jesus. I met another Christian who works at Georgia Tech in the college with sports students and ministers to them and he was supportive of us being there. I also spoke to another student who a believer, a junior studying engineering and attends a Church in Woodstock. Stirling and myself preached twice alternating between each other and preached until approximately 3:30 PM when the game started. We had quite a few people challenging us and one man carnying a 12 pack of beer while drinking arguing with Stirling while he was preaching.
Here is also a link from Stirling Longs Instagram page.
Georgia Tech Outreach 9/17/2022
— Sports Fan Outreach International (@SportsFanOutrea) September 17, 2022
Georgia Tech Outreach
— Sports Fan Outreach International (@SportsFanOutrea) September 17, 2022
9/10 - So we begin this Saturday with wet and rainy afternoon at the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets Stadium. Preaching the Gospel the Good News to the amazement of students and many lookers. Stirling and Carl Long were also joining us at the corner of the Bobby Dodd Stadium outside Gate 10. We both took turns preaching for about 2 hours and passing out gospel tracts to passers by as well. We had some opposition with the Georgia Tech security guards asking us to move off the public sidewalk, but we kindly stood our ground and continued to proclaim the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. “Who has believed what he has heard from us? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?” Isaiah 53:1 ESV
Instagram Video from Stirling:
9/5 - Report from Doug - I arrived around 4:15 pm outside gate 10 in Atlanta, GA near the Georgia Tech stadium and met with Stirling and Carol Long. (so it was just us 3 that attended).
We prayed and setup and started to pass out gospel tracts and then around 5:15 pm we started to preach and read scripture. We noticed around 5:30 pm-6:00 pm that no one was going to the stadium and that there were no crowed, and learned that the game was moved/located at the Mercedes Benz arena instead of the Bobby Dodd stadium location. (oops). We decided to stay and preach to the crowds and cars that were heading in that direction until about 6:30 PM. We did experience some rain issues but continued to preach and share the gospel.
Here is a link on Instagram Stirling took:
I forgot one story, I met a man that stopped me on the corner and shook my hand thanking us for being out preaching. He looked like someone who worked there wearing a GT polo, but he was visiting from Chicago, and was a driver for GT for out of town games and his name was Billy.
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