I was born and raised in West Virginia coal mining country near Fairmont, West Virginia. Along with my parents and two older sisters, I attended a local Church of Christ three times each week. I distinctly remember going through phases of being afraid of going to hell, trying hard to be a “good Christian” for a few days or maybe a week or two at most, only to find that kind of life too difficult and boring then jumping back into sin where I had left off. I even attended a Church of Christ university in Tennessee one year following this pattern, only to get suspended for bad behavior.
In 1995, I returned to my home state to attend West Virginia University. I graduated from there in 1999, got married, moved to Savannah, Georgia with my then-wife, and started a PhD program in Psychology/Neuroscience at the University of Georgia in 2000. I completed my master’s (2003) and PhD (2005) and remained at UGA as a lecturer (undergraduate faculty) for 9 years.
During that time, I found myself on the receiving end of a “no-fault” divorce and became a single-again weekend father to three daughters, ages 1 to 8. In my confusion, frustration, and anger, I turned to militant atheism/secular humanism as a psychological crutch. I didn’t believe in God, and I hated Him (sarcasm font). I even served as the faculty advisor to UGAtheists for two years.
In 2011, I acknowledged the absurdity of atheism and returned to Christianity. I again became an unregenerate cultural Christian who attempted to “like, follow, and subscribe” to God but not love and surrender my life to Him. I was eventually humbled and genuinely repented in 2014 as God crushed my old life and identity and redirected my life.
From 2015-2017, I completed a master’s in Christian Apologetics through Luther Rice Seminary as I traveled to over 50 college and university campuses all around the country with Tom Short Campus Ministries.
I remarried in July 2017 to a lovely woman who loves God with her whole heart. Together, we serve as part-time directors of evangelism and local outreach at Living Hope Church in Athens, Georgia. We also help lead two campus groups, including a chapter of the international apologetics ministry Ratio Christi. Additionally, I assist with local outreach at abortion mills, preach on the streets on weekends, and help evangelize and disciple the nations (primarily Chinese) through our non-profit “Ask a Former Atheist” (www.askaformeratheist.com).
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