"I grew up in a family with no religious background. The leaders in my life were alcoholics and loved pornography, so this was my influence. I was born a twin. While I was in the womb, my position did not allow my right side to develop properly. I entered the world partially paralyzed and developed a speech impediment when I started talking. In the fourth grade I was diagnosed with a learning and reading disability. I was picked on a lot in school and was told that I was slow and dumb. During my late teenage years my father told me that I was not going to work on his farm because of my slow comprehension. I found work in Columbia, South Carolina as a personal trainer and my idol became my body. I also joined several rock bands. With my last band we produced a CD and toured the Southeast. This life was from the pits of hell. The longer I lived, the more I hated my life. I had no purpose, no meaning, and no direction.
At the age of twenty-three, a lady invited me to a play on the life of Jesus. It explained His life from birth to His resurrection. This was the start of the whole transformation. I didn’t give my life to Christ that night. I continued running for a year. As I read God’s word, deeper conviction of sin grew. I was on the verge of taking my life, but through God’s grace He spared my life. The night I was going to take my life I found a card in my room from a person that reminded me of Jesus’ love for me. Turning to the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, I repented and placed my faith in Jesus that night in my room. My view of life is simple – Jesus died and came out of the grave for me, so I have to live for Him.
My Jesus found me broken on my bedroom floor not wanting to live anymore. Oh, how can I not share His Glorious Name? He has taken a slow, crippled boy off a farm in South Carolina and given him new life. I type this with tears in my eyes. I am a man who is blessed beyond measure with an amazing wife who has believed in me from day one and three amazing girls.
May we all boast together in what Jesus Christ has done in all of our lives. We serve an amazing God. He saved us and now He deserves our entire lives.
I have had the opportunity to lead a ministry called Gospel of God Ministries since 2009. GGM preaches and teaches the Gospel until faith becomes action.
The faith has a twofold action. First, it is pulling the unbeliever into the kingdom through repentance and faith in Jesus. Second, it is pushing the believer out into the world to share their faith. Find out more at http://www.gospelgm.com
This will be my fifth SBO with New Orleans, New York, Phoenix, and San Francisco under my belt by God’s grace. I look forward to leading my team alongside the other leaders at next year’s SBO. Go and proclaim the Gospel to see a life transformed!
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16"
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