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Join Alex Burt and his team in heralding the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ at the University of Georgia home football games this 2022 season.

Alex will be outside of Sanford Stadium each home game this season. If you would like to join him please contact him at: dalexburt@gmail.com or 480-298-8402.

If you have any questions, please let him know.

Check out his ministry at: http://untilallhear.com

Look for updates on twitter: @Alex1Burt

Home Game Schedule


Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday
9/10 9/24 10/8 10/15 11/5 11/26
4:00pm ET 12:00pm ET 3:30pm ET 3:30pm ET 3:30pm ET 12:00pm ET
Samford Kent State Auburn Vanderbilt Tennessee Georgia Tech
#of Evangelists on team = 3 #of Evangelists on team = 2 #of Evangelists on team = 5 #of Evangelists on team = 3 #of Evangelists on team = 5 #of Evangelists on team =
Rich Suplita Rich Suplita Rich Suplita Scott Phillips Scott Phillips
Scott Phillips Alex Burt Alex Burt Alex Burt Dennis Clark
Alex Burt Dennis Clark Dennis Clark Stirling Long
Hud Phillips Doug Renz
Scott Phillips Rich Suplita
Sanford Stadium. Capacity: 92,746

Game Summaries

TN vs UGA, Saturday November 5, 2022

First and foremost, I want to thank the men who went to the stadium and shared the Gospel. I was unable to go, due to a physical condition, but I am thankful for the men who stepped up and made the outreach happen. Scott Phillips, who is a faithful preacher of the Gospel, took the reigns and led the team. Thanks to Dennis Clark, Stirling Long (Falcons evangelist), and Doug Renz (Ga Tech evangelist) for making the drive to be with Scott for the outreach. A special thank you to my bride Kim for driving down to Athens and shuttling the guys to the stadium. Rich Suplita was also there helping another brother with an outreach.

It was a huge crowd as you can see in the picture below. The Gospel was heralded for 3 hours as Tennessee and UGA fans passed by or were just hanging out on the bridge. 

We have one more home game on Thanksgiving weekend as Ga Tech comes to Athens. 

10/15 - Vandy vs UGA

It was homecoming at the University of Georgia. With that being the case you would expect a large crowd. Although the crowd was good, it wasn't as large as last week. This was probably due to the opponent not really being a challenge.

Dennis Clark, Scott Phillips and I arrived about 12:30 and set up the amps and cameras. After the tuba section came out and did their mini concert, Scott prayed for us and began preaching. As Scott preached Dennis and I offered Gospel tracts to fans, as they passed by. Dennis followed Scott, preaching on 4 things you need to know about heaven and 3 things you need to know about hell. I finished the day off with a short sermon beginning in Colossians. 

We had a few nay sayers and several believers stopped by to encourage us and thank us. One lady yelled, "Get a life!" As I was preaching with another person telling me I needed to read history. We even had a couple of people donate money to the preachers. Well, to Scott and Dennis. That doesn’t seem to happen to me. :) As one girl walked by she was speaking to her friends or family and said, “It isn’t a football game if those guys aren’t here,” pointing to us. That may have been the most encouraging thing I heard all day because it let us know that they expect to see us there. 

It was another wonderful day of evangelism, with many people being touched by the Gospel through preaching and by receiving tracts.

Auburn vs UGA Saturday, October 8, 2022

One of the longest-running rivalries in college football, also known as the Deep South's Oldest Rivalry, brought a big crowd out to Sanford Stadium on Saturday for the 126th meeting of the Auburn Tigers and the Georgia Bulldogs. The weather was nice, almost hot for a fall day, for Rich Suplita, Dennis Clark, Scott Phillips, Hud Phillips, and me, as we proclaimed the Gospel to the crowd of thousands.

Dennis began the preaching, followed by Scott and Rich, with me ending the day. As usual, with this crowd, we had those who were thankful we were there and those who were not so thankful. While one was preaching the others passed out tracts. As I was holding a sign that said “The time is fulfilled, the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe the Gospel ~Jesus,” I was told I was #1 with the middle finger and one guy yelled, “Go Home!” Several others came by intentionally bumping into me or pushing my sign away as they passed by, some even turned and gave me snarky looks after pushing by me while pushing away the sign. Bear in mind, I wasn’t saying anything but was simply holding a sign with a direct quote from Jesus.  At one point an older gentleman, I will refer to as “Captain Obvious”, looked at my sign and said, “We’re going to a football game.” I assume he was saying we should not have been there, or I guess he may have thought we were at the wrong venue. :)

On the other hand, I had a Christian friend come by and place his arm around me, giving encouragement. Others, that I did not know, came by thanking us for being there. One older veteran asked if he could hold my sign for a minute. I was hesitant because at times people will ask to hold a sign, a Bible, or take a tract only to throw it, tear it up, or something in an attempt to make a statement that they are opposed to the message. After a moment of hesitation, he seemed sincere so I gave him the sign. He simply wanted to take a picture with it. He told me he was a pastor and was glad for all the years preachers had been at the stadium. 

We had a wonderful day of evangelism and fellowship. May God use our efforts to His glory!

Until All Hear!

Kent St vs UGA

Saturday, Sept 24, 2022

It felt like fall when Rich and I arrived at Sanford Stadium on Saturday. Even though it was supposed to be an easy win the fans turned out in pretty large numbers. 

Rich preached first as I offered tracts to passing fans. After about 45 minutes or so I preached as Rich passed out tracts. We had a lot of fellow believers stop by with encouraging words. One man and his children came up as I was preaching and listened until I was finished, amening the preaching. I had my own "amen corner" for a while. Several others came by offering encouraging words for Rich and I. 

It was a great outreach with thousands of fans being touched by the Gospel and many encouraging the preachers. Rich asked me, before we started, if I ever felt like I was in a circus. I said, "like the freaks in a freak show?" And we agreed that we did. It was after that conversation that God continually sent His people to encourage us, making us feel like a little less of a freak show. :) We understand totally that we will look foolish to the world and we're fine with that, but it is amazing how God will send us encouraging words through His people.

Until All Hear!


Samford vs UGA

Saturday, Sept 10, 2022

Rich Suplita, Scott Phillips, and I were at Sanford Stadium today for the first UGA home game. We arrived about 3 hours before kick-off, as usual, and set up. The tuba section came out and played, which is usually our sign to begin preaching. This year they added another horn section that came out and played for a while, cutting into our preaching time. J

Scott began preaching as Rich and I passed out Gospel tracts. The crowd was steady all day but of course, thickened as kick-off time neared. Thousands of people were exposed to the Gospel. I say exposed because I have no way of knowing how many heard the complete Gospel message. All we know for sure is that many did and thousands had the opportunity to. After Scott, Rich preached and then I closed out the day, ending around 4:00 PM

I saw several people stop and listen to the preaching and there are always those lurking in the shadows listening that we do not see. Several people came by with encouraging words. As Rich was preaching a young boy came over and gave him a high-five. 

Also when Rich was preaching an older gentleman came up to me and asked me to tell Rich to keep on going and encouraged us for being there. It is always nice when God sends his saints to encourage the preachers. We had a few come by with mocking actions and words but overall it was a friendly crowd today. A lot of tracts were given out as well. 

It was good to be back at Sanford!

9/3 Ducks vs Dogs Chick-fil-a kickoff game.

Football season is back and in full swing. UGA's first game was not really a home game, but it was in Atlanta so it kind of was. 

Mike and I arrived around 12:40 and Stirling was already preaching as Carol held a sign. Bobby McCreery was also there with Hannah, Eden and Jeremiah.

The crowd was consistent for the 3 plus hours we were there, only fading around 3:20, right before kick-off. After Stirling preached we had a bit of an interaction with law enforcement which eventually got sorted out. Well, until 2 other officers came over as Mike was preaching and told us that using an amp was a safety issue and they couldn't hear their radios. He said this while he had an earbud in his ear which was attached to his radio. 🥴 We agreed to turn the volume down a little and had no further issues.

I preached after Stirling, followed by Mike and Bobby, with Stirling finishing off the day. Quite a few Gospel tracts were taken as well. Many fans heard the Gospel. As usual, we had a few hecklers and some encouragers as well. One fellow believer stopped and told me he knew a lot of Christians just walk on by and say nothing but he wanted us to know that he appreciated us being there.

Hannah, Eden, and Jeremiah did a great job with Gospel tracts! 

It was a great start to the season but I am looking forward to the next home game at our home stadium! #SanfordStadium

More About Alex
Alex Burt – Bethlehem, GA
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