Date: September 14, 2024
Today, September 14th, 2024, was a wonderful rainy day to preach the gospel for three hours at the corner of North Ave and the 75/85 exit ramp, near Bobby Dodd Stadium at the Georgia Tech football game in Atlanta., Ga.
I arrived at 12:30 PM, equipped with my rain gear and two amplifiers. The rain came and went over the course of three hours, with the heaviest pedestrian traffic occurring between 2:00 PM and 3:30 PM.
I preached from Ecclesiastes 1:1-11, using a sermon outline developed by Joshua Chavez for the KYFITT class. I also preached from Genesis 1-3 and Luke 18:1-8, along with surrounding verses. The message centered on a call to faith in Christ crucified, the vanity of life apart from Him, and the refuge only found in our Creator and Redeemer.
During the preaching, I spoke with a father and his children, and a few others stopped to listen to the message. I did not distribute any literature, as I remained focused on preaching the entire time.
At one point, a heckler began cursing and telling me to stop. I responded by calling him to repentance, using him as an example of the wicked who despise God. Please pray for the hundreds of souls who heard the gospel today, that they may repent and trust in Christ.
Here are photos and one video from the outreach.
Date: August 31, 2024
Georgia Tech Vs Georgia State Panthers
I arrived at Bobby Dodd Stadium around 5:45 PM after finding parking, which took some time due to traffic being redirected for a block party in front of the stadium. There were crowds of fans, loud music, and announcements near the main gate where we usually preach, in front of the North Ave Dining Hall. To avoid competing with the noise, I moved down towards the intersection of North Avenue and I-85.
The new location at the corner of North Ave and I-85 turned out to be great. Many fans were walking from downtown Atlanta towards the stadium, and the traffic light created a natural pause, giving people the opportunity to stop and hear the preaching. Even as they crossed the street, they could still hear the gospel being shared as they walked along the sidewalk towards the stadium.
I was by myself and preached for about two hours. One gentleman stopped to ask questions about what I was preaching, particularly regarding the comparison between Old and New Testament laws and the relationship between murder and hatred in the scriptures.
I also met a man and his daughter who were selling frozen ice cream. They kindly blessed me with some refreshments, and I let the girl briefly sing a song to help promote their business.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to do a live update as my Facebook account is still fairly new.
Overall, it was a good day, and the gospel was preached. Glory to God!
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