Special Report by John Crowley
Luke 15
The bible is clear the God of the bible is very happy and has great joy one a lost person is saved by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. Going to this Super Bowl like all events the LORD allow to go to I pray and seek his wisdom on what to speak about and if this the best use of the time and gifting God has allowed to give to me. There always a cost to go anywhere buy going to the Super Bowl cost over 350 dollars to fly out on united airline and God blessed to be given a 450 gift from sports fan outreach to stay and go this outreach. I knew how unworthy I am whom am I? I am a sinner who God saved by grace alone by faith alone who God alone has made an evangelist for both the church and lost. We pray many will be saved and the nations will be changed by the Holy Spirt but often never see any fruit for the labor’s God allows to do. The reward may be not us to see or ever knew about. Just Ryan Denton book say even if none come the LORD Jesus Christ is worthy to be shared and praised no what. After all salvation is always bought about by all of God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God use who he chooses to use to bring the results we just simple tools that only worth and useful in his hands are if we summit to his will. The LORD Jesus put on Matthew Rando team who is from Arizona which will host next year Super Bowl. My prayer is next year the LORD will allow to lead a team of men and women whom live in Florida and other places to next years Super Bowl. My prays is this may have both some will think as week brother and strong brother and sisters. The rewards are always in doing what we knew God and my savior commands to do. Just if we ever lose of find a wallet, we hope everything is returned to us like our id and other stuff but when it is fully return to us, we are shocked because in this current world often we never get back what is lost is full but what rejoice and sweetness is there in the gift of getting what is lost back to us. Just imagine the great joy Jesus has when he used this simple tool to bring salvation.
So, to those think about going to any event host by sports fan outreach just go. Jesus Christ is the reward and the fact he saved us should want to go out and share him no matter if we may never see or get rewarded. The reward of salvation has been given to us is not that enough?
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