What is happening:
The South Star Festival, has been scheduled for Sept 28-29 in Huntsville, AL. Lord willing SFOI, will be there and is looking for evangelists to join the team to preach the Gospel to the fans and local citizens; minister to them in the moment and to potentially refer them to a Bible teaching church or ministry for discipleship.
The goal is to evangelize and minister to the fans as they come and go from the South Star Festival activities and the local citizens who are in the area as well.
If you can't attend "Sponsor An Evangelist" (donate the fee) for someone to go in your stead: SAE.
Event Info
Location of Event: Huntsville, AL
Event Leader:
Frank Rollberg
Speakers: TBA
Dates: Sep 27-29, 2024
Ministry Schedule:
We will be meeting at CrossPointe Church in Madison Alabama for morning prayer Saturday morning and Sunday morning.
Accommodation, Meals & Airport Pick-up:
Check In:
Check Out:
Meals: Not included
Airport Pickup: Yes. Email your itinerary to
Registration info:
Cost: Accommodation is free, limited to 6 slots
Payment Deadline: N/A
DonorBox Payment Link: N/A
Next Step:
Please pray daily for the Huntsville Civil Magistrate based on 1 Timothy 2:1-7.
Living Waters, Gospel of God Ministry, REF, George Whitefield Program, Banner of Truth, BardinMarsee Publishing (Waterproof Bible), To The End of the Earth, Until All Hear, Testimonies of God, GlobeWorks, -- purchase your Waterproof Bible through the SFOI store here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's):
If you have not previously participated in an SFOI outreach, and you have questions about how SFOI works, then visit these pages to help you understand the work of the ministry:
Ministry Team
Game Summaries
Photos of the evangelist team preaching to the locals and tourists at the South Star Festival.
A view of the thousands entering the South Star Festival.
Passing tracts to the festival goers.
James Sherrill sharing the Gospel.
David Day preaching Christ.
Passing out tracts tirelessly to the festival goers.
The festival continues with the gloomy weather.
Videos from the outreach.
Frank Rollberg: "Great day of preaching the gospel at South star outreach. Pray for all who heard the gospel and the paper missionaries we passed out. "
David Day: "Someone asked if we were at this event preaching because of the genre of the music and my brother replied, "We are here because you are here." If people are breathing, they need Jesus.
The Lord was kind to bless us with an opportunity to preach, fellowship, help put our armor on through corporate prayer and a message brought by Pastor Andy we went out. We were blessed as were the many at the festival. Huntsville flourished through the Preaching of the Gospel.
The Lord is kind to have provided such a great opportunity. Many tracts were given out along with a few bibles.
Grateful for Frank Rollberg leading the team, brother Paul hosting us in his home, and Sports Fan Outreach #sfoi setting up and providing some things.
Praise the Lord.
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