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SBO ’22 – Los angeles

Los Angeles, CA is hosting the Super Bowl February 13th, 2022: Super Bowl LVI.

Lord willing SFOI will be there Lord willing to preach the Gospel. Here’s the details of the SBO:

Dates: February 10 – 13, 2022.

Location: Los Angeles, CA [official Super Bowl web site:  Super Bowl ’22]

Event Leaders: SBO ’22 Team Leaders.

Event Attendees:  SBO'22 Evangelists.

Daily Schedule:


  • Training [Optional]: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

           Heath Pucel: Hermeneutics Teaching

  • Registration: Noon – 5:00 PM
  • Dinner: 5:00 PM
  • Teaching: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Friday – Sunday:

  • Prayer: 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
  • Breakfast: 8:00 AM – 8:30 AM
  • Teaching: 8:30 AM – 9:15 AM
  • Depart for Ministry Location: 9:30 AM
  • Ministry: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM



Airport pickup: You will be picked up. Email your itinerary to : info@sfoi.org

Meals: Thursday dinner; Friday, Saturday & Sunday breakfast & sack lunch.

Speakers: SBO Team Leaders.

  • Topic: Aspiring to the role of an elder with an emphasis on leading your family.

Cost: $350 [til Oct 31. $400 beginning Nov. 1]

  • Includes accommodations; transportation; meals]

Payment Link:  SBO.

Registration information: this event is for men and women . See Roles of Men and Women for clarification.

ExhibitorLiving WatersGospel of God MinistryREFGeorge Whitefield ProgramBanner of Truth, BardinMarsee Publishing (Waterproof Bible)To The End of the EarthUntil All HearGlobeWorks, Hearts 4 the Lost -- purchase your Waterproof Bible through the SFOI store here.

Next Step: Register by clicking on the SFOI logo below. Once you register and are approved you will receive further information including but not limited to an event waiver and payment information. You will also be asked to submit a bio and picture to be posted on the event pages.

Questions about how SFOI works: If you have not previously participated in an SFOI outreach then visit these pages to help you understand the work of the ministry: SFOI Distinctions ; the Gospel, the Goal and Expectations ; SFOI Vision and Mission statements ; Frequently Asked Questions ; Why SFOI emphasizes open air preaching

image of sports outreach super bowl


Jon Clement  - Hey all SBO 2022 Team:

Here are my photos and ones I stole  from others.  Please post your photos.  Enjoy and share with others!

I'll post the videos I have as well.

RV Saltshakers





Mason Goodknight Jeff Warner Ryan Clark Bill Schank Bill Adams Caleb Davenport Warren Marquardt Andy Schmelzer Gerry Collins Rick Garland Jr.

Joe Hinson  - Some of the views from Santa Monica pier, our ministry spot. Sports Fan Outreach #sfoi #SBO22

Will Dieterich  - Just got done with the Superbowl outreach. There's a lot of false gospels out here muslims, hare krishna guys, scientologist, and worst of all Black Hebrew Israelites. I engaged with some of the "Hebrew Israelites" in the middle of the gas station and asked them if they ever read Revelation 5:9? And told them that Jesus ransomed all nations tribes and tongues with his blood. And one of them asked if I ever read Revelation 2:9? And I said yeah it says that Jews are a synagogue of Satan (which is weird because they say they are Jews so not sure how that verse helped their false doctrine). Then I told them that Jesus came to save the world and quoted John 3:16 and then I gave them the hope in Ephesians 2 that Jesus has broken down the dividing wall of hostility between Jew and Gentile making peace. Meanwhile, they just justified their religion of Black supremacy while denying God's word. It was a great weekend and Christ was preached. It was a blessing meeting all the brothers in Christ. #SBO22 Oh also I traded a gospel tract with the Hare Krishna guys literature. It was a time.

Brandon Allen  - Hollywood Blvd. sharing the gospel! #sfoi #SBO22 Jordan Faith

Alex Burt  - Thankful for these saints! 74+/- of God's people hit the streets in LA County for 3 days of evangelism.  8 teams at various locations each day. Hollyweird Blvd. Huntington Beach, the Convention Center in LA, SOFI stadium and other locations. Praise the Lord for all the preaching, tracts and conversations! #SBO22 sfoi.org

David Day - The Lord is Kind. Praise the Lord for preachers of righteousness.

Jacob Bradshaw taking the street for Jesus.


Pics by Dave Block

Special Report and Pics by Matthew Redondo

Super Bowl Outreach Los Angeles 2022

Matthew Redondo

My team included Mike, Diego, Richard, Jacob, Shayna, Marisa, Johnathan, John and myself. After a time of prayer and training, we left for outreach at Venice Beach. We setup our table near a large opening on the boardwalk. We had a large sign that read “Need Prayer? Free Bible.” While amplification was prohibited, we began to preach on the mic and soon moved on to the large speaker. But as we started one of the local businesses started to play music loudly to drown us out. We continued to preach while several of the team were engaged in Gospel conversations. Eventually police came and said we had to move to the performance designated area. So, we complied and moved down to an area marked with a yellow square near Windward and Pacific. This ended up being a much better spot, with more foot traffic and in the center of the action.

We preached there all day and had a steady flow of people to talk to. Talked with homeless, young people, homosexuals, couples. Prayed with many and gave out much Gospel literature. When one person was leading a discussion, another person would rotate in and take over. This kept people engaged for a long time. When I was preaching one homeless man came and laid down at my feet. After a while he started to remove his pants and wasn’t wearing anything under them. At this I stopped, and we called 911. Marisa tried praying for him to be delivered from demons and he told us not to pray for him.

The next day after teaching and prayer we went to downtown LA near the convention center. The NFL experience was being held there and since LA’s team was in the game thousands of fans came out. There were literally thousands of people all day long to preach to. We preached for hours rotating every 30 mins and after a while set up a second speaker across the street on a little grassy hill. The sound literally carried through the tall buildings, and many could throughout downtown. When I was preaching another homeless man stood in front of me and started to do yoga and dance. Otherwise, the city seemed very receptive to the Gospel. We hardly had any hecklers, gave out many tracts and prayed with many. We did encounter hate preachers and tried to make clear we were not them. At one point I challenged them and ask why they didn’t use the Bible and they told me to leave.

On the last day since most teams were going to the stadium to do outreach at the game, our team wanted to go Hollywood Blvd. This area was particularly oppressive. Many of our team struggled with discouragement or physical discomfort throughout the day. There were also many homeless. We did get to preach right next to the historic Chinese Mann Theater and witnessed to many all day long. We didn’t have to compete with street musicians and were basically unhindered. Many people received Bibles, were prayed for, we even got to pray with 4 young men to trust Christ as Savior and Lord. At one point there was a man dressed as Jesus who we got to share the Gospel and exhort him to repent.

SBO Report, Pics, and Video by Mason Goodknight

Amazing story from the #SFOI Outreach to the Santa Monica Pier on 2/12/22 during #SBO22.

Jeff Warner wanted to preach one last time so we postponed leaving. During his message Letty and Tiffany showed up and just kind of stood there taking everything in. I asked them if we could answer any questions they had. Ryan Clark and I were together. And we expected to either get no response or possibly a negative one.

Long story short, they actually asked us if we could help them to evangelize and be as bold as we were! We almost fell over! Ryan asked them how they would give the gospel to someone and they did have a right grasp of gospel basics.

They then told us they went for the very first time to a Planned Parenthood murder mill that morning for outreach! They also said that they decided to drive the 2 hours from Riverside to the pier that night to evangelize having absolutely no idea what to do! They said they sat in the parking lot and prayed, asking God to help them evangelize. Then they walked down the pier and passed at least 3 other groups of folks evangelizing, some with bad theology, before God brought them to us.

If God hadn't given Jeff the zeal for law and gospel proclamation, we would have been gone before they arrived and before I could've asked them if they had questions! God is so good!

Our team leader Heath Pucel overheard and brought over a couple hundred tracts for the young ladies and I was able to get them website information for tracts and training resources and ministry contact email. We also encouraged them to ask their pastor for help and to feel free to have him reach out if he had any questions or concerns. We prayed with and for them as a team.

Anyway, I think most of our team would tell you that was their highlight of the night if not the weekend. Please pray for Letty and Tiffany that God would use them for His glory, saved souls, and babies lives as they grow in knowledge, wisdom, and grace! Soli Deo Gloria!

#SBO22 #SFOI Outreach to the Santa Monica Pier

Watch video now>>https://www.facebook.com/1775963228/videos/1613377115705292/

More Outreach to the Santa Monica Pier #SBO22 #SFOI

Watch video now>>https://www.facebook.com/1775963228/videos/280853457332357/

Another Friday #SBO22 Session here at the NFL Experience #SBO22 #SFOI

Watch video now>>https://www.facebook.com/1775963228/videos/280853457332357/

More #SBO22 Outreach on SuperBowl Sunday #SFOI

Watch video now>>https://www.facebook.com/1775963228/videos/463455412045939/

Jesse Gomez - Podcast episode of his experience with the SB Outreach

Bryan Conwell Videos

Alex Burt Team Preaching at SBO

Alex Burt Special Report - Blog Post

The highlight of February was the trip to LA for the Super Bowl Outreach. I was blessed to be a team leader once again and had a great team. You can read my post about the mystery team members here. Although the planning for this trip was a bit bumpy, it was relatively smooth when it came to execution. Bill Adams does an outstanding job with the logistics as far as accommodations, meals transportation, etc. The team leaders simply have to get on the plane, pick up the van and get our teams where they are supposed to be at the appointed time. It’s a little more complicated than that, but…

My team made my job super easy. I had seasoned evangelists, most of whom had been to at least one other Super Bowl Outreach so they knew what to expect. That doesn’t take away from the fact that they were all punctual and cooperative, even taking initiative when they noticed something that needed to be done. I cannot begin to express my gratitude for them! Waking up at 4:15 on Friday and Saturday and 3:15 on Sunday was a challenge after long days of teaching and ministry out on the streets, but they pressed through! 

The team leaders all get to teach a 50 minute class. Due to my name beginning with the 2nd letter of the alphabet, I got to teach first on Thursday night. The theme this year was the responsibility/duty of the evangelist inside and outside the church. Each of us chose a book and filtered it through Ephesians 4. I read “And Some Evangelist” by Roger Carswel. It’s a good read that I would highly recommend.

The schedule for the outreach goes something like this for Friday and Saturday

6:00 AM prayer

7:00 AM Teaching

8:00 AM Breakfast

9:00 AM Teaching

10:00 AM Grab a box lunch and head to the ministry location for the day.

6:00 PM Head back to the Hotel from the ministry locations

Sunday everything was backed up one hour due to a 3:30 PM Kick-off time.

If you ever think evangelism isn’t hard work, you’ve never done much of it. While it certainly is a joy to do, it can be very tiring. It’s what I refer to as “good tired.” What a joy to be on the plane flying home knowing you have been able to focus on the Gospel and share the great news with so many people.

Here’s a short encounter I had with a man on Huntington Beach Pier.

The man was riding around in a cart he had built with decorations and a sound system. He was also wearing a mask. He stopped and informed me that he had 26 semesters of Seminary. Maybe he meant hours but I’m almost certain he said semesters. He began by telling me he believed we were all God. He continued with statements beginning with “I believe….” When I got the chance to respond I pointed this out and we had a discussion about whether I should believe what he believed or what God said. Trying to focus the discussion we dialed in on the “We are all God” statement. Since he would not accept that he was in error because the Bible contradicted his view, I thought I would try logic. I asked him if God could sin, to which he replied, “He could because He can do anything.” I rephrased the question to avoid a rabbit trail and asked him, if would God ever sin? He agreed that God would never sin. Then I asked him if he sinned and he admitted that he did. See the flaw in his belief? I asked him if God would never sin but humans do sin, how could we be God? He said, “You got me there. I’ll be back in a little while and have something for you.” I supposed he was returning with some sort of reasoning to support his belief but I never saw him again. Sometimes we get intimidated by people who announce they have some sort of higher education and think we will not be able to give a defense for the hope that lies within us. First, we do not have to have all the answers. Remember we are not here to prove God. We are proclaimers, seed sowers, and waterers. It is God who gives the increase. Secondly, just because someone has an education or is a good debater doesn’t mean they have a sound, logical argument. 

Friday the 18th and 25th it was back to cold weather in Athens. After being in LA with temps in the high 80s, 40 degrees felt colder than normal. Foot traffic was a little light but we preached the Gospel and gave away some Gospel tracts for a few hours. It is good to have a consistent ministry location but I believe it is also good to get away to a different environment a few times a year. The change of scenery is a good way to refresh. 

Thank you for your prayers and financial support! 

Until All Hear!


Ref:  https://alexburt.wordpress.com/2022/03/01/super-bowl-outreach-2022/


After five months of prayer and recruiting my Super Bowl Outreach team only consisted of 5 people, including me. Five may seem like a pretty good team, and it is, but the requirement is that I have at least 10 team members. I began with a list of over 20 past and possible team members and felt confident I would be able to fill all 10 slots. As time went on the list began to get shorter and shorter. Even those who I was certain would/could go began to drop off the list.

There were commitment conflicts, wives having babies, sickness and some who just didn’t want to go to the west coast. Not saying any of these reasons are invalid, it is just the way life and ministry works. I will admit I gave into frustration at times but ultimately was trusting God to send those He wanted on my team. I settled into the fact that I was going to have a 5 person team and became content with that because those on my team were all solid, seasoned evangelists. 

Shortly before the trip I had a young couple and their 8 month old added to my team, bringing the total to 8. Yes, I am counting the 8 month old as a team member. Grasping? Maybe, but she was with us the entire time so she gets credit. With the team being set, off we go to Hollywood Blvd. on day one.

Scott got the team set up as Rich and I went to park the van. We were set up in front of the Metro station with the preaching rotation starting along with tract distribution and Gospel conversations. There was a woman that came up and listened for a long time. As one of the team members began to talk with her we found out she was in town for the Super Bowl and felt led to come down to Hollywood Blvd. but she wasn’t sure why, if I understood correctly. Naturally I thought God had this planned from the beginning. After praying for five months for God to send me team members and being a few short of the goal, here was Mona.

We didn’t know she was coming and apparently she didn’t either. Mona ended up staying with us for hours passing out Gospel tracts. You might say, that was just a coincidence, and I might have agreed until Day 2.

Day 2 was a nice change. Hollywood Blvd. can be a bit hectic and wear on you after an entire day so going to Huntington Beach Pier on day 2 was a nice change. Again, as Rich and I went to park, Scott got the team set up on the pier and began preaching, passing out tracts and engaging people in conversation. A man came up in a wheelchair who had asked God that morning how he could serve Him on that day (paraphrase).

Horice stayed on the pier with us for hours offering Gospel tracts to people and telling them he had some good news for them. Again, God had sent us a great team member. 

God is faithful. As we prayed for 5 months for God to send us team members, He was working on these two saints and we didn’t have a clue. His ways are not our ways. 

We were praying to 10 team members and that’s exactly what God gave us. 

Until All Hear!


Ref:  https://alexburt.wordpress.com/2022/02/19/the-mystery-super-bowl-outreach-team-members/

Photos of Team Alex Burt SBO'22    

Special Report by Mark Yoho    

One of the biggest events that we do in the ministry is the Super Bowl Outreach. I had the opportunity to go to Los Angeles to rekindle and begin a friendship with 74 other evangelists from across the US. The fellowship in this Christ-centered atmosphere is phenomenal as we gather to sharpen the countenance of each other, preach the Gospel, and witness at events surrounding the Super Bowl. I worked with Brother Bill Adams and other team leaders to help organize this outreach. There were times when we were not sure we were going to be able to pull this off. The challenges we faced planning a large-scale Outreach in California during the middle of a pandemic were huge. Thank God for the outpouring of prayers that moved God to open up the doors of opportunity and give us possibly

 one of the best Super Bowl Outreaches yet. We count it a major Kingdom victory. Thank you.

Jesus Wins - Special Report by Darrel.           

Dear Bill,

Michael approached me as I was holding a gospel sign on the 3rd street Promenade in Santa Monica. He wanted to know what the evidence was for God.

I pointed to the building in front of us. “How did that building get there?” I asked. He responded, that someone built it. I pointed to the phone in my hand - I had been taking pictures of the brothers preaching. “How did that phone get here?” Again, Michael responded that someone made it. “Just as every building has a builder and every phone has a maker, creation has a creator.

He said that he understood that but that was not the real question on his heart. He wanted to know how I could be so sure of the message I was proclaiming. So I shared how I came to Christ at the age of 24 and how he changed my heart.

He then revealed that he was once a believer, but now he is an agnostic. Michael told me that he once had a strong commitment to God but that he felt like he relied upon God too much. I’m not sure how that is possible - to rely upon God too much. Because of that, he really did not have any self-identity of his own.

I shared with him how I had had the opposite experience. My self-esteem and identity came through my relationship with Jesus.

As we conversed, I came to understand that Michael is like a lot of people: they say that they believe in Jesus but don't have any assurance of salvation. That is because they are not resting in the finished work of Christ. Instead, they are relying on their own efforts to '“be right with God.” They can’t seem to satisfy God because they don’t pray enough, or they are struggling with persistent sin, or they…insert objection here

I talked with Michael about the need to trust Jesus alone for salvation. That seemed to connect with him. 20 minutes later, he shook my hand, thanked me, and continued down the Promenade.

Many conversations like this took place throughout the weekend as the gospel was preached and tracts were distributed. The preaching of the gospel frequently leads to gospel conversations.

We had teams to spread out all over the greater LA metro area: Venice Beach, Huntington Beach, Hollywood, Santa Monica, and of course the Super Bowl venues. Multitudes of people heard the preaching of the gospel.

Above: Michael and I Talking. Photo by Joe Toy.

Our teams encountered many different competing groups including Black Hebrew Israelites and the Church of Scientology. One Scientologist approached me at the stadium and said that he was a Christian. He handed me a “personality test.”

After looking and seeing that it was Scientology, I handed the pamphlet back to him and pointed to the sign I was holding. It had this verse on it: “Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”” John 3:3

I told him that unless he was born from above, he was not, in fact, a Christian. At this point, he moved on down the sidewalk.

And let’s not forget the mockers. One man on our team was punched in the gut. Others were verbally assaulted. As I was preaching at the stadium, one man yelled at me that I just liked to hear myself talk. I rebuked him for mocking God and blaspheming. After I finished preaching, another brother took my place. Immediately, the man yelled to “Shut the ____ up!” By the way, he later claimed to be an ordained minister. Go figure!

Above: Preaching in front of the Crypto.Com Center - formerly the Staples Center. The Lakers play here. (Photo by Jordan Allen with Faith Flow Photography.)

I was very encouraged to see a great number of believers from local churches who were out sharing the gospel. I thought about how back home, in the Bible Belt, it seems like an impossible task to get folks out of their comfortable pews and into the streets.

Along with the preaching and witnessing, we had great teaching on the role of the evangelist both inside and outside the church. Plus, The prayer and worship times were amazing.

Bill, Thank you again for praying for our teams. Without prayer, we would accomplish nothing on the streets.

Now, it is on to Mardi Gras after my wife and I take a little vacation. We are celebrating 26 years of marriage. Our anniversary is March 9th but we are celebrating a little early.

May the Lord bless you abundantly!

Until the Net is Full,


P.S. Join me in praying as I consider the possibility of going to the Kentucky Derby with a group from Sports Fan Outreach, May 5-8.

Source: https://mailchi.mp/d68afcb1deaf/super-bowl-initial-report?e=fe5b973708

Special Report by John Crowley

Luke 15 

The bible is clear the God of the bible is very happy and has great joy one a lost person is saved by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. Going to this Super Bowl like all events the LORD allow to go to I pray and seek his wisdom on what to speak about and if this the best use of the time and gifting God has allowed to give to me. There always a cost to go anywhere buy going to the Super Bowl cost over 350 dollars to fly out on united airline and God blessed to be given a 450 gift from sports fan outreach to stay and go this outreach. I knew how unworthy I am whom am I? I am a sinner who God saved by grace alone by faith alone who God alone has made an evangelist for both the church and lost. We pray many will be saved and the nations will be changed by the Holy Spirt but often never see any fruit for the labor’s God allows to do. The reward may be not us to see or ever knew about. Just Ryan Denton book say even if none come the LORD Jesus Christ is worthy to be shared and praised no what. After all salvation is always bought about by all of God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God use who he chooses to use to bring the results we just simple tools that only worth and useful in his hands are if we summit to his will. The LORD Jesus put on Matthew Rando team who is from Arizona which will host next year Super Bowl. My prayer is next year the LORD will allow to lead a team of men and women whom live in Florida and other places to next years Super Bowl. My prays is this may have both some will think as week brother and strong brother and sisters. The rewards are always in doing what we knew God and my savior commands to do. Just if we ever lose of find a wallet, we hope everything is returned to us like our id and other stuff but when it is fully return to us, we are shocked because in this current world often we never get back what is lost is full but what rejoice and sweetness is there in the gift of getting what is lost back to us. Just imagine the great joy Jesus has when he used this simple tool to bring salvation.

So, to those think about going to any event host by sports fan outreach just go. Jesus Christ is the reward and the fact he saved us should want to go out and share him no matter if we may never see or get rewarded. The reward of salvation has been given to us is not that enough?

Bill Schank singing "No Greater Love" - Hip hop Doc!

Bill requesting prayer before the Super Bowl - To God be the Glory!

Team David Day - Photos by Jacob Bradshaw

Super Bowl Evangelists Getting Prepared to share the Gospel

Vans Leaving to take Gospel to City of LA Super Bowl 22

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