Date: February 22, 2025
Mavericks vs. Pelicans Game at American Airlines Center
Brothers Jason, Adam, and I went out to lift up the banner of Christ and proclaim His Name outside the American Airlines Center as fans poured in for the Mavs vs. Pelicans game. It was a cold night 30 degrees, and while we didn’t have many conversations, the Lord allowed for His Word to go out with great unction.
One conversation stood out with a man named Abdul. He had taken a tract, stopped at the intersection to read it, and then came back asking if he could pray for me. Assuming he was a Christian, I agreed, but as he prayed, I recognized it was an AA mantra. Afterward, I introduced myself and asked his name. He told me he was Abdullah, a servant of Allah.
Concerned for his soul, I asked him, “If you died today, why should God let you into Heaven?” He admitted he wasn’t sure but said he tries his best and then shared that he had almost died yesterday and had been beaten up in the area. I asked if he knew what Jesus actually said about how to get to Heaven. He replied, “Yeah, he’s just a prophet, and even though I’m Muslim, we have the same god.”
I interjected, explaining that the God of the Bible is not the god of the Quran. I shared how Jesus is God Who condescended in the flesh, and came to save sinners. I told him that Jesus said, “You must be perfect, as your Father in Heaven is perfect.” He said that only God is perfect. “That’s the dilemma,” I told him. “You’re not.”
As I walked him through the Gospel—how Christ lived the perfect life we never could and took upon Himself the wrath we deserve—he grew visibly uncomfortable. He thanked me for the conversation and quickly ran across the street, but he left with the tract in his hand before I could wrap up the gospel. Pray that the Lord leads him to read the tract and that he comes to know Christ as his Savior.
By the end of the night, we had passed out around 300 tracts and preached as crowds poured into the arena. Pray for everyone who heard the Gospel, that the Lord would convict hearts and draw many to repentance and faith in Christ.
Date: January 17, 2025
Outreach at the Dallas Mavericks vs. Oklahoma City Thunder Game
Carlos Rosales, Brent Quinones, Will S Dieterich, Jason Osborne, A Redeemed Wretch, and I had the privilege of sharing the Gospel outside the Dallas Mavericks vs. Oklahoma City Thunder game. By God’s grace, 400 Gospel tracts went out, and we had some memorable encounters. Jason handed Gospel tracts to two former NBA players, Derek Harper and Devin Jones, who both played for the Mavericks.
One encounter was with a homeless young man named Julian, who approached me asking to borrow my phone. While I didn’t feel comfortable lending it out, I handed him a Gospel tract instead and asked if he knew where he would go when he died. His answer was, “I hope to a nice castle.” I told him there is a Kingdom, but whether or not he would enter it depends on how he responds to the Gospel. I explained the reality of why we die—because of our sin (Romans 6:23)—and the eternal consequences of sin, which is separation from God in hell. From there, I walked him through the Gospel, and he listened attentively, expressing gratitude for the conversation.
Please pray for Julian, Derek Harper, and Devin Jones, and for all of those that we had the privilege of sharing with that the seed would fall on good ground, and that the Lord would draw them all to repentance and faith in Christ, grafting them into His Kingdom.
It was a blessed time, and the Word went forth in power. May the Lamb who was slain receive the reward of His suffering and bring the increase for His glory. God bless!
Date: January 16, 2025
Outreach at the University of North Texas
Today, brothersWill S Dieterich, Jason Osborne, A Redeemed Wretch, and I had the privilege of preaching the Gospel at the University of North Texas. We spent four hours sharing the love of Christ in the open air, and praise the Lord for the fruit that came from it!
By God’s grace, more than 300 Gospel tracts were distributed, six Bibles were handed out, and we shared many of our apologetics brochures that debunk the false religions of today. The Lord also allowed us to have several meaningful conversations with students who stopped by our table.
Here are three memorable encounters from today:
1️⃣ While Brother Will was preaching directly from the Greek, a young woman named Mariah sat down on a nearby bench to listen. After some time, she approached us to share how thankful she was for the sound teaching being shared on campus. She told us she had stuck around specifically to make sure no false teaching was being spread. Her encouragement as a sister in the faith with a care for truth was such a blessing to us.
2️⃣ We had a conversation with two Roman Catholics who were trusting in their religious institution and their works for salvation, rather than accepting the free gift of salvation by trusting in the finished work of Christ alone. This led to a beautiful Gospel presentation with one of them, Carter, and a Gospel tract was given to the other, James. Please pray for both of them to turn from works-based righteousness and place their faith fully in Christ.
3️⃣ A young man named Taylor approached mockingly, asking if we really believed that preaching worked. Right as he asked, someone off in the distance cried out, “Hallelujah!” in response to Cody’s preaching. I turned to Taylor and said, “That’s a testimony to it working, right before your eyes.” As the conversation continued, I asked him where he thought he would go after death. He said he hoped for heaven because he was a “very religious Baptist.” Thankfully, he allowed me to explain that trusting in our own goodness or religious practices leads us straight to hell—just as Christ rebuked the religious elites, the Pharisees, calling them whitewashed tombs—clean on the outside but dead on the inside (Matthew 23:27). From there, I transitioned to sharing the true Gospel with him.
Please join us in praying for everyone who heard the Gospel, received a tract or a Bible, and specifically for Carter, Taylor, James, and Mariah. May the Lord bring them all to repentance and saving faith in Christ alone and may He receive the reward of His suffering. God bless!
Date: January 10, 2025
College Playoff Semifinal Outreach at AT&T Stadium
Praise God for another opportunity to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, this time at the College Playoff Semifinal game between Texas and Ohio State at the AT&T Stadium. With as many as 80,000 fans in attendance, we were out there from 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM, preaching and handing out over 300 Gospel tracts in just 2.5 hours.
A challenging crowd filled with hostility towards Christ and His glorious Gospel of salvation. A lot of ridicule and many blasphemous things are spoken of about the One True Living God. Yet, even in the midst of the mockery, the Lord brought forth comfort throughout the evening by sending a few brothers in Christ to approach us with words of encouragement, giving us hugs, and thanking us for being there. Isaiah 41:10 says, "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
While we were handing out tracts, local strippers from a nearby strip club were trying to counteract our efforts, passing out cards promoting their club like you might see on the Vegas Strip. Even as I was preaching, Brother Jason was passing out tracts when an older, intoxicated man suddenly walked behind him and slapped the stack of tracts out of his hand, sending them all across the floor. It happened right in front of me as I was preaching, so I immediately called out the man’s behavior, reminding him that one day, he would stand before God to give an account not just for this action but for every sin in his life. With that warning, the man starred me down in my face, and a switch must have gone off in his brain because he paused, seemingly convicted by the truth and apologized to Jason, knelt down to help pick up the tracts, and walked away holding one of those Gospel tracts in his hand. Praise God for that moment of grace!
Please pray for everyone who heard the Gospel and received a tract, especially the intoxicated man and those we encountered throughout the night. Pray the Lord grants repentance and gives the gift of saving faith in Jesus Christ. God bless, and may He continue to be glorified in the seeds that were sown there!
Date: January 7, 2025
1/7/25 Dallas Mavs. Vs. Los Angeles Lakers at American Airlines Center
Praise God for an amazing night of ministry at the Dallas Mavericks vs. Los Angeles Lakers game! Thank you to all of you who prayed for us tonight.
It was absolutely freezing out there—34 degrees, with a wind chill that made it feel like 22—but here’s a testimony of God’s faithfulness: I prayed to the Lord, asking Him to warm me up as we planned to be out there for three hours. Literally right after I prayed, an officer walked over, handed me some hand warmers, and said, “These will warm you right up.” I hadn’t asked her or anyone else; it was completely the providence of our Father answering that prayer and sending her. Praise God!
Despite the cold, storms of fans rolled through, rushing toward the entrance and waiting outside in long lines. We had the privilege of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them as they passed by. While there weren’t many conversations tonight, around 400 Gospel tracts went out, and we trust the Lord will use them to lead His people to Himself.
Please join us in praying for everyone who heard the Word and received a tract—that the Lord would bless them with repentance and faith in Christ. God bless!
Hockey Outreach
Date: January 4, 2025
1/4/25 Dallas Stars vs. Utah Hockey Club Outreach
Brother Jason Osborne and I had the privilege of heading out to the American Airlines Center to preach to the 18,000+ hockey fans attending the game. For three hours, we proclaimed the Gospel to the crowds as they poured into the stadium.
On the way to our spot, we met a fan named Isaac. He had all the right “Christianese”—the lingo about Christianity—but when it came down to it, his faith was empty because he didn’t understand why Christ died. Jason shared the Gospel with him, and though Isaac had a look of concern on his face about his profession of faith, he said he’d think about it tonight. He also allowed us to pray for him before we moved on.
We set up near the front entrance of the stadium, where the waves of hockey fans streamed in. It was a tough crowd—most people didn’t want anything to do with Jesus. There was mocking, insults, and plenty of people claiming their own goodness, saying things like, “We’re good because we go to church.” But church isn’t saving anyone. Only Jesus Christ saves. Only God is good. I kept reminding them to look to Christ, not their church membership, for salvation.
When the last wave of fans entered the stadium, we packed up and headed back to the car, only to discover a long line of people standing on the street, waiting to get into the House of Blues. We saw the opportunity and took it, heading straight over to share Christ with the line of people stuck waiting for their show to start.
This is where we met Andrew, a recent convert to the Black Hebrew Israelite movement. He believed salvation was only for Israel, that African Americans are the true tribe of Judah, and that salvation comes by keeping the commandments. Rather than diving into the errors of his doctrine, I went straight to the Gospel. I told him that right now, he was like the Pharisees Jesus rebuked—whitewashed tombs, clean on the outside but dead on the inside. The law can’t save anyone. Only Christ can set him free. I handed him one of our tracts that exposes the false doctrine of the Black Hebrew Israelites and points to the truth of Scripture.
Please pray that the Lord grants repentance and faith to Isaac, Andrew, and all who heard the preaching tonight. May God bless and use the seeds that were sown for His glory. God bless.
Date: 5/1/24
Brothers Landon, Tatsuo, and Leo headed out to the Los Angeles Clipper's Game 5 against the Dallas Mavericks to preach the Gospel and pass out Gospel Tracts to the fans from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
Please keep these brothers in your prayers as well as all of those the Lord brings across their path.
Landon Thurman
Founder / President / Missionary
p: 310.754.9295 |
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