10/15 -
Vandy vs UGA
It was homecoming at the University of Georgia. With that being the case you would expect a large crowd. Although the crowd was good, it wasn't as large as last week. This was probably due to the opponent not really being a challenge.
Dennis Clark, Scott Phillips and I arrived about 12:30 and set up the amps and cameras. After the tuba section came out and did their mini concert, Scott prayed for us and began preaching. As Scott preached Dennis and I offered Gospel tracts to fans, as they passed by. Dennis followed Scott, preaching on 4 things you need to know about heaven and 3 things you need to know about hell. I finished the day off with a short sermon beginning in Colossians.
We had a few nay sayers and several believers stopped by to encourage us and thank us. One lady yelled, "Get a life!" As I was preaching with another person telling me I needed to read history. We even had a couple of people donate money to the preachers. Well, to Scott and Dennis. That doesn’t seem to happen to me. :) As one girl walked by she was speaking to her friends or family and said, “It isn’t a football game if those guys aren’t here,” pointing to us. That may have been the most encouraging thing I heard all day because it let us know that they expect to see us there.
It was another wonderful day of evangelism, with many people being touched by the Gospel through preaching and by receiving tracts.
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