Auburn vs UGA
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Dennis began the preaching, followed by Scott and Rich, with me ending the day. As usual, with this crowd, we had those who were thankful we were there and those who were not so thankful. While one was preaching the others passed out tracts. As I was holding a sign that said “The time is fulfilled, the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe the Gospel ~Jesus,” I was told I was #1 with the middle finger and one guy yelled, “Go Home!” Several others came by intentionally bumping into me or pushing my sign away as they passed by, some even turned and gave me snarky looks after pushing by me while pushing away the sign. Bear in mind, I wasn’t saying anything but was simply holding a sign with a direct quote from Jesus. At one point an older gentleman, I will refer to as “Captain Obvious”, looked at my sign and said, “We’re going to a football game.” I assume he was saying we should not have been there, or I guess he may have thought we were at the wrong venue. :)
On the other hand, I had a Christian friend come by and place his arm around me, giving encouragement. Others, that I did not know, came by thanking us for being there. One older veteran asked if he could hold my sign for a minute. I was hesitant because at times people will ask to hold a sign, a Bible, or take a tract only to throw it, tear it up, or something in an attempt to make a statement that they are opposed to the message. After a moment of hesitation, he seemed sincere so I gave him the sign. He simply wanted to take a picture with it. He told me he was a pastor and was glad for all the years preachers had been at the stadium.
We had a wonderful day of evangelism and fellowship. May God use our efforts to His glory!
Until All Hear
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