Photos featuring the local ministry as organized by Evangelism Global headed by Brother Bertin Mwanya. They are involved in evangelism through open air crusades and making use of various opportunities to include sports, festivals and other events to spread the Gospel.
The photo above shows local evangelists in training.
Above: "This picture shows how our local Evangelists are making use of any gathering of people to win souls, likewise the local evangelists are getting ready to minister the Gospel at a place the local people fetch water ."
- Bertin
Above: "This picture features how whenever and wherever it is possible to give out Bibles other relevant Christian literature through an evangelistic event."
Above: A picture featuring a church plant following an evangelistic event.
Bertin Mwanya is the Founder of Evangelism Global, Chair of Train Indigenous Evangelists and Coordinator of The DRC Inland Mission.
To contact and support Evangelism Global:
WhatsApp :+243894486558
E-mail :
P.O.Box 212
Lubumbashi 7110501
DRC ( The Democratic Republic of the Congo )
Central Africa
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