Landon Thurman recounts experiences of the Super Bowl Outreach.
02/07/25 - New Orleans, LA | Super Bowl LIX Outreach - Powerful Testimony!
This weekend, in partnership with Sports Fan Outreach International, spending Thursday through Sunday preaching in the open air and advancing the Kingdom of Christ in the streets of New Orleans. With the city packed for Super Bowl LIX, we had countless opportunities to share the Gospel in one-on-one conversations, distributed tracts, and proclaimed Christ to the masses in the open air.
Thursday one of the most powerful moments we witnessed was with a man named Corey, who had been cursing us out alongside his friends as soon as we got there setting up our station in front of the Pope John Paul II Cathedral Catholic Church and even threatening harm, was actually convicted after hearing the Gospel preached by Brother Robert Reece. Moments later, Corey approached us in tears, asking for forgiveness. Seeing what appeared to be genuine repentance, we prayed for him and encouraged him to seek peace in Christ and to go back and talk with the group he was with who continued cursing us.
We were surrounded by psychics and street performers. Opposition came quickly:
• A psychic, trying to drown out the preaching with her own sound amplification on full blast yelling out “Blah, Blah, Blah” over and over and lashed out with profanities and refused any conversation.
• Doug, a Catholic, placed his trust in his works and church traditions rather than Christ alone when we engaged him walking out of the Cathedral that allowed many to enter holding alcoholic drinks in their hands.
• Brandy, a self-proclaimed minister of so called eight religions, initially cursed the Lord’s name and nearly attacked a few of us out there but was later confronted by Corey, who showed her Psalm 91:7-8. Shortly after, she returned to us in tears, seeking forgiveness for her outburst and to find peace with her Creator.
Other key conversations:
• Gustavo, a Catholic painter who we shared with about trusting in the finished work of Christ and His work is sufficient to find peace with God.
• Kmel, a Unitarian street performer who believes water baptism is necessary for salvation and used Deuteronomy 16:11 to argue that the 1611 King James Bible is the only true translation. We had quite a long conversation with him but refused to listen to us and at the end said we have a different god and we agreed.
• Danny, a brother in Christ encouraged by us being out there took Gospel tracts to distribute while he was staying on Bourbon Street.
By God’s grace, 4 Bibles were distributed, and about 800 Gospel tracts went out.
It was a vivid reminder that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and the powers of darkness (Ephesians 6:12). Even in the midst of hostility, God’s Word went forth with power. And we saw first hand the fruit of Open Air Preaching. Praise the Lord for the victories won, and pray for all those who heard the Gospel today that He was cause the increase, in Jesus name.
02/08/25 - New Orleans, LA | Super Bowl LIX Outreach
Another powerful day on the frontlines here in New Orleans with Sports Fan Outreach #sfoi. Amidst the chaos and distractions of Bourbon Street, the Word of God went forth with power, convicting hearts and stirring conversations about the truth of the Gospel. 1,300 Gospel tracts distributed and many seeds planted!
• Lonni (Launie) read the signs, took several tracts for her friends, and later returned to ask for prayer and take more tracts for her family.
• A man paid a group of drummers to perform next to us in an attempt to drown out the preaching. But the Lord, who gives them energy, removed their stamina, and the preaching continued. Hostility escalated as Rob was nearly assaulted, and the same man threw a beer and another drink at us, one hitting Rob. A cop intervened, forcing him to leave, but he later returned as we were packing up. One of the drummers, despite the hatred from his team, accepted a Gospel tract before we left.
• Alex, a drunkard trusting in his works, objected to street preaching, saying it wasn’t the right way. After being shown why the Bible commands us to lift up our voice like a trumpet (Isaiah 58:1), he left—only to return and take a tract.
• A man and woman thanked us for what we were doing, professing to be Christians. However, after being confronted with 1 Corinthians 6:9, revealing their evident sin of drunkenness, they rejected the message. When they saw “homosexual” on the list, the man shook his head at us and said, “That’s where you lost me,” before walking away.
• Brother James, a terminally ill man, found comfort in Christ and was encouraged by the preaching asking for prayer for him to continue on with the little time he has left on this earth.
• Donnie, a woman standing outside Shake Shack, overheard the preaching and listened as I proclaimed how Christ died for His sheep and that His sheep hear His voice and follow Him (John 10:27-28). After hearing the Gospel from some of the brothers, she was in tears. May God grant her true repentance and saving faith!
Inside Shake Shack, Joe, Shylo, and Rob sat at a table with a sign that read, “Repent and Believe the Gospel.” Two men, Josh and Brett, asked to sit with them due to the crowded space. During the small talk, Joe noticed one of them wearing a Star of David and asked about his background. The man confessed he was Jewish, leading Joe to pull out the Torah and show how the Hebrew Scriptures prophesy Jesus as the Messiah, fulfilling every requirement. By the end of the conversation, both men admitted they had learned something new, took pictures of the Gospel tract, and planned to read it later.
Please pray for God to bring the increase!
02/09/25 - New Orleans, LA | Super Bowl LIX Outreach
Our final day of outreach in New Orleans with Sports Fan Outreach #sfoi standing for the truth of Christ in the midst of such darkness and flooded with thousands of IUIC Black Hebrew Israelites. Pray for all who heard the Gospel, took tracts, and had conversations—that the seeds planted would take root in good soil!
Encounters & Conversations
• Susan – Shylo spoke with a homeless woman for about 45 minutes. At first, she refused a tract, but after he asked her if she knew Christ, she opened up about her difficult life story—how she had been raped multiple times while living on the streets. Shylo asked if they could exchange beliefs, and she shared about her background in Catholicism, while he explained the Gospel of true biblical Christianity which rejects salvation by works but is entrusting themselves to Jesus Christ alone. By the end of the conversation, she took a tract. Pray for her salvation and physical protection.
• Sean the Baptist – Took a tract and I asked him about his faith. Though he professed to be a Baptist, he was trusting in his own self-righteousness. After walking him through the Gospel, he finally understood that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, to the glory of God alone. A look of relief came over him, and he walked away in peace, thanking me for the conversation.
Preaching Against the IUIC Cult
• The streets were flooded with thousands of members from the Black Hebrew Israelite IUIC cult, scattered across New Orleans during Super Bowl Game Day with their teachings of their racial-based salvation and adherence to obeying the 613 Mosaic laws. We boldly walked right into the heart of one of their stations and preached the true biblical Gospel—that salvation is not by race, but by grace through faith in Christ. As expected, they swarmed us and surrounded our team, but we stood firm, exposing their false doctrine with Scripture. Brother Sam Bethea, known for his “Jesus Saves” sign, joined in and helped me preach the truth to them long with everyone standing by. Praise the Lord! Emanuel – A bystander who had been listening to our confrontation with the IUIC came up afterward with sincere questions. He wanted to know why they were wrong and what the truth actually was. This opened the door for Brother Rob to have a deep one-on-one conversation with him about the Gospel. Emanuel struggled with accepting the reality of sin and God’s holiness, believing that he could reconcile all people through kindness and love—essentially thinking he was more gracious than God. We walked him through why it’s crucial to understand that all are sinners (Romans 3:23) and that the only remedy is Christ alone.
It was a true blessing—not only because of the Gospel going forth but also because of the fellowship with our brothers in Christ. We labored side by side, encouraging one another, growing together, and loving our neighbor with the hopes of snatching them from the fire of God’s just wrath against all who are found outside of Jesus Christ.
Pray for every person who took a tract, heard the preaching, and had conversations with us. Praise be to God and may He bring the increase! Praise the Lord!
See more photos here and learn more about Landon's ministry with testimonies of God:
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